View Full Version : Need help with strange spots/etchings on my Evo 8's paint

11-21-2016, 06:44 PM
Hey everyone,
Really hoping someone will provide some insight and/or advice to these strange spots on my Evo's paint. Backstory - the Evo is always garaged and its paint is immaculate. However, I had it outside for a week or so as the Miata was occupying the garage while I was changing out the timing belt etc. Unfortunately there was a pine tree nearby and it soaked the car in sap.

I tried to wash the car as quickly as possible as I knew dried sap was a PITA. So after a wash and clay, I figured everything was good to go. However, after putting the Evo back in the garage, I noticed that in certain lighting there were definitely spots that almost looked like smudges. I have tried a lot of "tricks" I've read to remove sap as that's what I was thinking it was - rubbing alcohol, WD40, sap removers and finally another wash, clay and polish.

Anyway, here are the pics, any help would be much appreciated.

From a distance, the paint looks fine:

After getting closer and from different angles you can see:


Mike lambert
11-21-2016, 07:10 PM
I would wipe with 91% alcohol and polish it out.

11-21-2016, 08:16 PM
I agree with Mike. Try some Menzerma 3800 and get er dun.

11-21-2016, 08:57 PM
Thanks guys. Was looking for advice on which compound to use and now it looks like I got it. Will post followup pics after trying it.

Thanks again