View Full Version : Video: PlayStation VR review and in-game reaction ! OMG !!

11-05-2016, 03:13 PM
Hi guys!

Here's my latest video. It's my review of the new PlayStation VR headset (Launch Bundle edition) and my in-game reaction to Until Dawn: Rush of Blood. (I also tried a racing car demo, shark encounter and a Resident Evil demo).

I was very skeptical of the experience before trying it. Well that all went away as soon as I tried the lightweight headset on! WOW!!!

From what I have read, the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift have better resolution and motion tracking, but cost more and you need a decent PC to run the headsets. The PS4 VR is relatively cheap to buy, especially if you already have a PS4, but has less resolution (pixelation is obvious when you look for it, but all in all, you forget about it when playing as the experience is so immersive).

Enjoy the video!


11-06-2016, 06:23 AM
There is one 'feature" that is never discussed by ANY headset manufacturer. Will they work correctly for someone that MUST wear glasses.
It wouldn't be that difficult to make either the optic in the headset adjustable, or to make it possible to install small corrective lenses into the headset. But this is never discussed in the literature.
Before suggesting contacts there is a very large group of glasses wearers that cannot wear contacts for medical reasons. Are all those people out of luck?

11-06-2016, 10:15 AM
Yeah I'd like to know
But being as though you where them it may work fine with out wearing my glasses cause I'm near sighted

11-07-2016, 05:43 AM
I did a quick search and there doesn't seem to be a problem for people who have prescription glasses. You'll be able to wear them with the PS VR.

Can you wear glasses with PlayStation VR? | VRHeads (http://www.vrheads.com/can-you-wear-glasses-playstation-vr)