View Full Version : Can this be buffed out?

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11-04-2016, 09:01 PM
The DD was declared totaled today...


11-04-2016, 09:13 PM
That sucks.......maybe try a few zip ties and duct tape lol

11-05-2016, 01:55 AM
Ouch! Rotary and wool should handle it!

Jimmy Vegas
11-05-2016, 02:08 AM
Yes, but I'd be careful around that blinker fluid tank. One spark and.. Kaboom!

11-05-2016, 06:12 AM
The DD was declared totaled today...

53319man sorry for the loss.I to lost my dd 2 months ago.Glad nobody was injured.

11-05-2016, 07:33 AM
I was thinking just a spritz of Crystal Mist will do the trick!

Thanks Jeff! Yup, the mrs was ok... The Chevy did it's job and protected her.

Here is an example of where being an Auto Geek pays off. The owner of the Body Shop knows me through my detailing biz, and he knows my cars.
He just saw this car two weeks ago to PDR done. He's also in the partner program with my INS co. So when they asked for his appraisal of the undamaged areas of the car (to calculate the value) he stated it was in *mint* condition inside, outside, under carriage and under hood. He sent them pic's of the undamaged parts of the car to show this.

Therefor when they calculated the value, we got the highest amount based upon his evaluation.

Yet, another reason to keep your vehicle in tip-top looking condition. You never know when it needs to be appraised for value.

Sadly, I've raved about this car. A 08 Malibu LTZ V6. I loved it... V6, Black/Red leather interior, all the creature comforts... And I kept it swirl free, and coated with Pinnacle Black Label. No one could ever believe it's age nor that it had 145K miles on her. Moreover, I hadn't had a car payment in 4 years... :(

But the most important thing is everyone is ok. Now I must twist my own arm and get a new car... LOL. Trying to decide on lease or purchase.

11-05-2016, 08:45 AM
HD Speed and a salmon colored pad will do the trick!

11-05-2016, 10:37 AM
I don't know why everyone joked about this. This is no laughing manner.

Anyways, this is what you need:


I hadn't had a car payment in 4 years... :(

I know what you mean. Paid off my vehicles within 24 months. No car payments since '08.

What are you looking to get? Another sedan? Sports car?

Going to pickup a truck soon. I miss driving one.

11-06-2016, 04:40 AM
The answer is, of course!
I was once in a similar situation.. Here's a few pics showing how things turned out looking a little better.:)








Yes, it'll buff out.:)


11-06-2016, 06:24 AM
That sucks but at least the car did what it should. I recently picked up a 2016 Chevy Malibu night hawk addition. Couldn't be happier, highly recommend if your sticking with the Chevy range.

11-06-2016, 07:51 AM
I was thinking Dr. Colorchip will sort it out.

I'm actually leaning towards a CLA 250. (photo below is not my car... From First Drive TV)
http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j5/Mustang030308/15-mercedes-cla250-4_zpsm1e9jowt.jpg (http://s76.photobucket.com/user/Mustang030308/media/15-mercedes-cla250-4_zpsm1e9jowt.jpg.html)

Setec Astronomy
11-06-2016, 08:27 AM
OK, I have to ask this...what kind of accident does it take these days NOT to total a car? And/or what made that not fixable?

Don M
11-06-2016, 09:02 AM
OK, I have to ask this...what kind of accident does it take these days NOT to total a car? And/or what made that not fixable?

And *I* have to say, I thought you had enough wax on the car to prevent something like this? (I was told this once after someone crumpled one of my previous Camaro's fender).

Paul A.
11-06-2016, 09:15 AM
Sorry to see that, Paul, especially because you liked it for her so much (and it was paid off). It's also great to hear she wasn't hurt at all. Oh well, it is kinda fun to look for the replacement.

11-06-2016, 10:37 AM
OK, I have to ask this...what kind of accident does it take these days NOT to total a car? And/or what made that not fixable?

Sadly the blue-book value on the high end put the car at $6K. The repair for the seen damage put the repair at $5800. Body shop manager still had more to pull apart, but stopped and let the ins. co decide, to which I'm glad it went the way it did. I told the adjuster I wouldn't have kept the car even if they decided to repair anyway.

At 9 years old, most of the parts, the manager said he had a heck of a time rounding up all the parts (for the damage he could see...) So now I've flooded the 2008-2012 Malibu market with more usable parts... LOL.

And *I* have to say, I thought you had enough wax on the car to prevent something like this? (I was told this once after someone crumpled one of my previous Camaro's fender).

I was told that if I did not have Pinnacle Black Diamond Label Coating on the car, things would have been more beastly.. The rigidity of the ceramic coating kept from things being much worse! :-) LOL

Sorry to see that, Paul, especially because you liked it for her so much (and it was paid off). It's also great to hear she wasn't hurt at all. Oh well, it is kinda fun to look for the replacement.

Thanks Puckman, as Jeff (GSKR) said earlier, cars can be replaced, people can't. Glad the mrs is safe and sound. I detailed some really nice MB's this year and said to myself, I could see myself in one of these.