View Full Version : Bits & pieces of dead leaves clinging to bottom half of doors

10-24-2016, 05:24 PM
About 2 weeks ago I corrected the paint on my Avalon then put on a layer of Jetseal 109. Every couple of days since then I've used Meg's quick detailer in the maroon bottle to clean the dust off. The leaves have just started falling off the trees here and today I noticed pieces of them sticking to the bottom half of the doors, like they're being held on by static electricity or something. Don't know what's causing this; any idea if it's from the QD or Jetseal? Thanks.

Setec Astronomy
10-24-2016, 05:29 PM
I know it's pretty dry around there but there's morning dew and leaves have some moisture in them by themselves. So yes it's possible they are sticking from static or some residue from your Meg's QD, or from their own moisture from the high speed impact on your paint after being thrown by the tire.

It's an annoying time of year for us 'Geeks.

10-24-2016, 06:26 PM
Timely post. I was just contemplating this today-- no matter what I wipe my truck down with, it's covered in dust within 30 minutes. I think it's a combination of the fall harvest, mowing of lawns, low humidity, and prevailing winds. Considering I've been trying a host of new products, I initially thought I'd made a bunch of poor choices. I've resigned to thinking this is just a dusty time of year.

On a related note-- I dried my truck today without the use of a drying aid, as I wanted to be sure I had a clean surface for trying out the new Ultima Acrylic Spray Wax and UTTG+. I've been using Uber Rinseless as a drying aid for a few months. WOW. I'd forgotten what a difference the Uber makes!! Night and day.

10-25-2016, 11:00 AM
Yeah it's really annoying. Thanks fellas.

10-25-2016, 08:04 PM
I've noticed whenever I do detail spray for quick clean up or WATERLESS, that's when the vehicle would attract major dust within a short time frame.

Rinseless, however, leaves the vehicle relatively dust-free for days. So now when I spray something, I make it a point to use it while the vehicle is wet/as drying aid.

10-25-2016, 09:22 PM
I have some ONR, I'll try that. Thanks.

10-25-2016, 09:49 PM
I suppose it makes sense we're generating a little more static this time of year. I bet the average humidity is 20-30% less now than it was all summer in this part of the country. Bet it's similar in CO?

10-26-2016, 10:08 AM
I know it's pretty dry around there...
So yes it's possible they are sticking
from static...

I suppose it makes sense we're
generating a little more static
this time of year. I bet the average
humidity is 20-30% less now than
it was all summer

Plus the possibility of the presence
of the abscission-cells' residue.


10-26-2016, 09:07 PM
Yes the humidity here is around 10-20% when it's warm with no rain so that probably accounts for it.