View Full Version : DAS6 PRO/GG6-Your Thoughts?

10-17-2016, 12:56 PM
Hi Everyone

I have the DAS6(230V version of the PC24XP) and am curious about the DAS6 PRO(230V version of the GG6). I already own the Flex's and Rupes and am wondering how good the GG6 type machine is as I hear it has a more powerful motor and read its hard to stall as it has decent torque. Basically is it worth purchasing to compliment my other tools? I know to use the 5" bp, Boss or ThinPro type pads for increased efficiency and having this little bugger might have me not having to reach for the Flex's and Rupes for light to medium correction work(I've read it can do serious correction work though).

Would be nice to hear thoughts and experiences from both GG6 and non GG6 users.

10-17-2016, 03:31 PM
i love my GG6 (little BOSS)! even on speed 4, you have to put a lot of pressure (more than you normally would ever do) to keep it from spinning and IME even on most contours/curves, it still rotates. pair it with some thin pads, and you have a match made in heaven...

10-18-2016, 12:35 AM
Great, so it's definitely worth getting at the price.