View Full Version : What a #%^$# day!

Excessive Detail
06-27-2006, 11:10 PM
Man was today bad, soory I gotta vent, all the stuff I ordered from AG came in, that was great, but the UPS guy delivered it to the poeple across the street, not my house, come on ups, read the adress. Anyway, I got everything and I couldn't wait to use it, I was like a kid in a candy store, but my car was just cleaned and I was busy already detailing something. Well, here is the bad part, I was spray painting and cleaning up a bobcat for a friends rental company so they could sell it, and take a quess what happend, I swear I moved my car far enough away, but I guess the wind was to strong and you guessed it, overspray, all over my just cleaned and polished car, aghhhhhhhh, I was so pissed, I thought I was gonna loose it, needless to say I got an excuse to use my new stuff, so I broke out the new foam gun,that thing is so cool, washed and clayed the car, dried it with my new cobra guzzlers, those rock, I dried my entire car with only one 16x24" towel. Now its overspray free, thank god, I swear I'll shoot myself if I ever do that again. All in all, my day started off bad, but AG made it better, thanks. I can't wait to use the rest of the stuff I got, especially the edge pads. Well, that was my day, thanks for listening.

06-27-2006, 11:56 PM
Damn, very lucky that overspray came off. Sounds like AG comes to the rescue once again! LOL, enjoy your new products man!
BTW, you didn't buy that Menzerna from AG now did you?? TRAITOR!! j/p

06-28-2006, 06:19 AM
I was thinking the same thing! lol I didn't think AG sold Menzerna. lol That is quite an order you got there. Can I come to your house to play??

06-28-2006, 06:00 PM
IF AG sold Menzerna, we would NEVER need to go anywhere else. Just remember Menzerna only makes polishes though .... any wax, wash, or QD'er is designed by CMA for them and likely similar to some of their best products.

Excessive Detail
06-28-2006, 06:07 PM
IF AG sold Menzerna, we would NEVER need to go anywhere else. Just remember Menzerna only makes polishes though .... any wax, wash, or QD'er is designed by CMA for them and likely similar to some of their best products.

I have heard from a lot of people the polishes were the best, so I figured I give thema try, I want ot use the power gloss first, they say its stronger than the IP, but often doesn't require any further polishing for removing haze.

06-28-2006, 06:10 PM
overspray aint no thang baby. thats how i would start my sh1tty day! actually come to think of it.... today i started off by spilling mineral spirits all over the chemical room at work and having to tell the boss and then clean it up. then worked through the rain because idiot customers still come into a car wash during the rain(###?) and then work through blazing florida summer heat plus very high humidity. a lot more happened too but the humidy was the worst part by far. although after the rain had stopped my car still had tons of water beaded up on it a good hour after in a parking lot uncovered lol. nothing else had water but mine. poorboys and pinnacle wooooot