View Full Version : Hydro2 left spots my new car + bike! Help?

09-11-2016, 12:03 AM
Hi guys,

I applied Hydro2 on my 2 week old Mercedes and also my motorbike, and followed the instructions on the bottle (3:1) but it left spots on all the windows and sunroof, and I've had to use some Mothers Pure Polish to get it off.

I've just rinsed my car a week later, and the spots on the windscreens + sunroof have come back, and I've also noticed I have spots all over the car, and all over my motorbike as well.

Firstly, I would recommend anyone who uses this product mixes it 4:1 or 5:1, not 3:1 as it says on the bottle, and make sure you rinse it off IMMEDIATELY and don't apply it in the sun (my bottle never warned me about any of this). I'm really not happy about my brand new car and my motorbike being covered in spots, and I don't really have the time to deal with it.

The first point of this thread was to warn people not to make the same mistake as me, as I'd hate to see it happen to others (although a quick Google search will reveal plenty of people in the same position as me).

Secondly, I was wondering if anyone has any tips for me. Will the spots disappear eventually?

I really don't want to spend hundreds of dollars to get my car and bike professionally buffed. How should I sort this out?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


09-11-2016, 08:33 AM
May need some polishing.3 years ago happened to me as well.I use ready to use Gyeon wet coat no spots.wax may conceal areas of the spotting promblem area.so a mild polish would remove it then use a sealant.sorry to hear.

09-11-2016, 08:35 AM
You should be able to do it by hand not machine buffing.If it's on the glass,it's a bit harder to remove.

09-11-2016, 08:51 AM

im sorry to hear about your troubles, dilution 1:3 is strong concentration to be used on wet car , while it was rinsed without wiping. im not sure if you did that, any car care chemical is NOT to be used under the sun, though we dont mention it on the bottle this is obvious thing to do for car care. same as you wont wash your car under the sun.
Hydro2 does need immediate rinse off once sprayed, i think if its the first time you have used it , its always good to test it on small area to see how it goes. about removing that now, use strong dilution of APC and it will remove it all. if you will need further help you can contact me over the PM.