View Full Version : New 3.5" ThinPros vs. BMW headlights

09-10-2016, 02:42 AM
I recieved my new 6pk of ThinPros a couple days ago, and I got a chance to try them out for the 1st time on a worthy opponent for sure.. This beast here was on the platter. BMW 745LI. Impressive looking car, I like the large wheels, the full size body, love the dark teal color paint, but this vehicle has at least 1 major flaw going against it, cheap build materials decorating it's front end.. The plastic grill on this car has to be among the cheapest, lightest feeling fake chrome grill I've ever come across. [maybe I'm just surprised because I wasn't expecting it]


But nevermind the grill, the headlights on this vehicle are the true insult to the buyer.. Why? Because these are some extremely expensive headlights here. How expensive? About $2,000 each if you have to buy them brand new from BMW and pay full retail. And what do you get for all that money? Indestructible headlights made of somekind of unbreakable glass that should last forever? No. You get these cheap plastic headlights that can wind up looking like this. Lol.


Closer look at the horrendous shape these were in... There oughta be a recall considering how much this headlight costs to replace. Smh.


I had a good laugh with the owner when I asked if these were those crazy expensive headlights I had heard about... He said "Yea you wouldn't believe it"! I said, "they're like $2,000 each brand new right"? He shook his head and said yup! Crazy, just crazy. Lol.

And of course as expected, these were a near nightmare to restore without sanding them, which I wasn't setup to do.. All I brought to the gunfight was my HF DA, DP AIO Headlight Restoring Polish, and my new Gray/Orange/White 3.5" ThinPros. Lets Rock.

Interesting battle ensued, I'm not sure if these headlights were just that much of a nightmare to work on or if the Gray ThinPros failed to reach the level of cut I was expecting out of them.. All I know is I was working on speed 6 and it took a while.. Not quite as hard as 1st gen Cadillac CTS headlights.. But near close. Still not sure if these Gray pads underachieved tonite or what was to blame. Could it be I was asking for too much out of just a compound without sanding? Maybe, but it took alot of work to get here.


I ended up doing these hard to reach areas near the edge by hand instead of risking edge damage with the polisher/backing plate.


I followed the Gray pad with a couple applications with the Orange pad, and even tried using the White pad w/M205 but the 3rd pad change made no difference so I figured I had reached the point of satisfaction here.


Sealed with Megs 365 and I'm hoping it protects it for a good while. If not, I'll have to charge the owner another $2,000 in a couple months to do it again. Lol. J/k.