View Full Version : Any Dealership Service People Here.

09-06-2016, 08:40 AM
Hi All,

Question for anyone who works in a dealership service dept, or anyone who has knowledge, or have dealt with a "case". I bought my car a tad over a year ago new, I currently have 7100 miles on it. Starting in March when using the remote starter, sometimes it would start, and the shut off, and when restarted manually the check engine light would be on. Sometimes for a day, sometime would go away on the next restart. I took it to the dealership almost every time it did this. They would get what they called "errant codes", and on a couple occasions updated the computer. Then one time it happened it June, I took it in, it was diagnosed with a ABS sensor or module. It was replaced and things were good for about two months.

Well two weeks ago it did it once again, the check engine light went away after a quick restart. Then last week it did it two nights in a row, both nights the engine light going off after a restart, so I took it in. I always deal direct with the service manager, and a couple months ago he started a case with Chrysler. Once again it was "errant codes", and he informed me they are now getting Chrysler engineers involved. So today I dropped it off for this to start. How does this work these cases with engineers involved? The manger really couldn't say what to expect, just they are going to try to get to the bottom of it.

Anyone have knowledge or experience with these types of situations, where cases with the manufacturers are involved? Any insight would be appreciated.


09-06-2016, 03:16 PM
I just went through something similar. I worked with the dealer trying to get an issue resolved for several months. Eventually they brought in a national tech, who oversaw and directed the work. In the end they weren't able to fix the issue and gave me options to repurchase or replace the vehicle.

09-06-2016, 05:34 PM
Thanks for the info gski! If you don't mind me asking what was the problem and what did you end up doing?

09-06-2016, 06:33 PM
What make/model Chrysler vehicle are you driving, Hammer?

09-06-2016, 08:10 PM
2015 Chrysler 200S


09-06-2016, 08:15 PM
Thanks for the info gski! If you don't mind me asking what was the problem and what did you end up doing?

There was an issue related to a/c causing an intermittent high pitch noise. It was a huge pain trying to get it resolved, but it was worth it in the end. I went with a replacement vehicle that I love. I hope you get your car fixed, but stay on top of them and let them know you aren't going away until it's resolved.

09-06-2016, 08:20 PM
Dave, you might want to check the lemon law in your state, just in case. Wouldn't want it to pop up again once warranty runs out. I know some place would be more than happy just to give you some band aid fix, and once that expires - not their problem & out of pocket for you.

Good luck sir.

Nth Degree
09-06-2016, 08:27 PM
At this point it is probably more for their engineers to find the source of the problem to work out the bugs for the next model year. In the meantime, insist on a comparable loaner each time you have to leave your vehicle and ask for some concessions every time you are inconvenienced.

09-06-2016, 08:39 PM
2015 Chrysler 200S


Ah, OK. I assume the remote start was factory, and not an add-on? Just a guess.

I'm on Ram forums for my truck, but not familiar w/ the 200's

Like stated above, if they are getting factory engineers involved, go for a replacement. I have read similar stories about Ram trucks. There was always that "one", while the rest of us are completely satisfied.

I know that sucks to hear, but it happens. Maybe you got a "Friday" car as we like to say on the Ram site. Guy just wanted to get the hell out of there. Or a "Monday" car. Guy was hungover as hell.

Maybe none of that happened, and some microscopic computer part has failed. Either way, if they are sending corporate, get the hell from beneath that thing. JMO

09-06-2016, 08:56 PM
I here you, I am on it. The service department I am dealing with I feel are pretty good and have a good reputation in the area, and I do feel they are trying. I haven't heard anything since I dropped it off this morning, but I will call daily for updates. Plus I already told them they are not going to have it for weeks on end, they need to stay steady about it. And I gave a stern warning about being careful. I told the service manager, "Tell whoever works on this be mindful of belt buckles, hanging keys, cell phones, and under no conditions does it get washed, because when it comes to this finish, I am a picky MotherFreaker". My inner AutoGeek came out, by the look he gave, he understood!

09-06-2016, 09:08 PM
Brutal- I will check into that, I bought a lifetime warranty when I got the car. It's covered as long as I own it.

Nth Degree- Check. I have a 2016 200C AWD sitting in the driveway right now. What do you mean ask for some concessions?

Paul- Yes it is a OEM starter. The car acts and drives fine, just hear and there when using the remote starter, it will do this. And when they scan it comes up with this errant code.

Thanks for the advice guys, have a good night!
