View Full Version : Touching up paint

09-03-2016, 06:28 AM
I have a few pretty small chips in my paint, bought a touch up pen from the dealer. I was told not to wax the car for 30 days after it is applied? Is there any reason why I should wait that long? Also would polishing the area after it has dried help with making it look like it was never touched up?

Paul A.
09-03-2016, 09:14 AM
As i usually do, i will defer to the more professional opinions here but my understanding is that fresh paint needs to outgas for a period of time. That is it needs to cure, fully dry out and bond as best it can. Laying an LSP on top of it before it fully completes that process hinders it.

As far as polishing, i have always waited until the next day to take a machine to it however as long as your not sealing it in with a wax, sealant, coating etc. it can still cure as intended.

09-03-2016, 09:22 AM
Okay, my souverans paste wax just came in this week and I really wanted to try it out but I want to touch up the paint first

Paul A.
09-03-2016, 09:49 AM
I know the itch that needs to be scratched well when new products arrive. Maybe lay down some Sovereign on all the areas that don't have chips, do your touch ups and then wait a while before finishing out everything. That way you get some protection down to the unaffected areas.