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08-31-2016, 08:15 AM
i've had one of these before with a purple handle. i picked up a new one with a wooden handle (the original) and it seems that it leaves alot of tracks behind. now, i know "the dirtier it gets, the better it works" due to the parafin wax. i am wondering, can i get it dirtier quicker to get it to work better sooner by dusting random things in my house like the tv, paintings on the wall, the clock, ceiling fan blades, etc??? i had to re-go over the whole car with detail spray and a soft cloth because of this inconvenience. (my car is black so the swipes from the duster shows immediately.) any tips are appreciated.

08-31-2016, 08:32 AM
If you should carry through with your
current plan of getting the California
Duster dirtier---faster---by using it on
the household items/artwork you listed...

What are you going to use on them
to get rid of the paraffin wax streaks?


08-31-2016, 08:41 AM
Did you wrap it up in newspaper for a day or two? The duster comes with lots of wax as you noted, that is what is leaving the streaks on your paint.
Many on this board are not fans of the duster so be prepared.

08-31-2016, 09:55 AM
If you should carry through with your
current plan of getting the California
Duster dirtier---faster---by using it on
the household items/artwork you listed...

What are you going to use on them
to get rid of the paraffin wax streaks?


He could use just about anything... IMO Mothers Revision Glass & Surface Cleaner would be the best choice for this task.

BTW, I think hell just froze over... Because here's an actual legit question about the California Duster by someone who not only trusts it, [rightfully so, because there's nothing wrong with using them, when used correctly] but is asking a great question about it. I can't wait to hear some real replies.

08-31-2016, 11:33 AM
BTW, I think hell just froze over...
Because here's an actual legit question
about the California Duster...

I can't wait to hear some real replies.
Too bad you didn't have a "real reply".

•Here's what I consider an
actual legit follow-up question:
-{Since I wonder how you managed
to get your other California Duster
(the one with the purple handle)

-Did you wind up smearing its
paraffin wax all over some of
your household items/artwork?


08-31-2016, 12:16 PM
Too bad you didn't have a "real reply".

•Here's what I consider an
actual legit follow-up question:
-{Since I wonder how you managed
to get your other California Duster
(the one with the purple handle)

-Did you wind up smearing its
paraffin wax all over some of
your household items/artwork?


I did give a real reply. 1 that offered an easy solution to your little worries.. I recommended the Mothers Revision Glass & Surface Cleaner because it's made to handle that specific thing you keep asking him about...

I've been using this to clean my TV, bookshelves, nav screen, wood grain etc. and it works great. I've got a full bottle on the way.


@Bob. So now that we've gotten your major concern taken care of, can you stop worrying about his household furniture and bring it back to cars?
This is Autogeek, not the Martha Stewart channel... Who gives a rip about his living room furniture? Lol.

08-31-2016, 02:07 PM
I did give a real reply.
1 that offered an easy solution to
your little worries..I recommended the
Mothers Revision Glass & Surface Cleaner
because it's made to handle that specific
thing you keep asking him about...

I've been using this to clean my TV,
bookshelves, nav screen, wood grain etc.
and it works great. I've got a full bottle
on the way.


That product will also be OK
to use on paintings/artwork?

@Bob. So now that we've gotten your major
concern taken care of, can you stop worrying
about his household furniture and bring it back
to cars?
This is Autogeek, not the Martha Stewart channel...
Who gives a rip about his living room furniture? Lol.
It's not that it's a major concern
of mine; rather, since the OP was the
one that originally brought it up...I was
staying "on topic".

•Why don't you share how you
"pre-soiled" your California Duster?
-After hearing your solution to clean
paraffin wax from paintings/artwork...
it ought to be very entertaining. LOL!


08-31-2016, 02:23 PM
I don't buy the "dirtier it gets the better it works" statement. I have one, last time I used it it did leave streaks like you mentioned. I washed the duster head and haven't used it since. Wanna buy it? Im the MAN

08-31-2016, 03:54 PM
That product will also be OK
to use on paintings/artwork?

It's not that it's a major concern
of mine; rather, since the OP was the
one that originally brought it up...I was
staying "on topic".

•Why don't you share how you
"pre-soiled" your California Duster?
-After hearing your solution to clean
paraffin wax from paintings/artwork...
it ought to be very entertaining. LOL!


Hey Bob, my little brother happens to be a talented artist. And not too long ago he asked me if I had a better solution to help him perform the usual light duty task of wiping down his artwork/paintings so they can stay ready when a potential customer drops by his studio apartment.

His usual method involved grating a Mexican bar soap called "Rosa" @ half a bar into a gallon of water, and pouring that mixed solution into spray bottles and then wiping the paintings down with "tella" [Mexican equivelent of what used to be known as Turkish Cloth] But since that method is a PITA for millennials, he wanted an easier solution.. So I figured this Mothers stuff had been working so well for me on everything I've tried so far.. Why not try it on his painting? It worked!

All of these recent paintings of his have been wiped down [quik detailed, as we would say] with the Mothers. Everything from dust, dirt, cat dander, cat hair, olive oil, the common cold, and yes even paraffin has come clean using the Revision.😏





... So yea, Bob. Cleaning paraffin off paintings is actually a very common occurrence down here. We have to do it all the time. Why do you think they call it the California Duster?

Now how bout that picture of your bucket of D115 rinseless wash & wax solution?😉

09-10-2016, 04:03 PM
Had mine for 4 years and no issues.

The first time I used it no streaking at all.

It removes dust, not grime or dirt film.

Don't ever wash it or get it wet if you can help it.

Use it almost everyday.

If it ever gets too dirty I would just get another one.

09-10-2016, 10:13 PM
I just spent 11 hours buffing a black Camaro that used the Duster. I tell people to leave them in the store or in the trunk.

09-10-2016, 10:19 PM
I just spent 11 hours buffing a black Camaro that used the Duster. I tell people to leave them in the store or in the trunk.

Same could be said about the best of the best waterless wash... But you don't hear anyone not recommending Wolfgang Uber or whatever the most expensive waterless/rinseless option is. [I'd be willing to make a blind bet it's Wolfgang. Because after all, that "German research" is mighty expensive.] Lol.

09-10-2016, 10:34 PM
I wonder if the California Duster would have a completely different image if it sold for $99.99 - $149.99 instead of something you might find on isle 5 at your local Walgreens... I think it would change from something people would never even think of "ruining" their paint with, to something only the elite and truly knowledgeable car aficionados drop their smart coin on. "Only hacks rub their paint with stacks of towels, I've got 1 of these elite California Dusters. It costs $150! And that's if you get it on sale!"

You know, like how our mentality is with our large stroke polishers. Rupes, Griots Boss, sweet. 21mm off label made in China? Absolute Garbage! Lol. We're pretty funny sometimes:)

09-10-2016, 10:51 PM
I just spent 11 hours buffing a black Camaro that used the Duster. I tell people to leave them in the store or in the trunk.

The owner of that Camaro probably doesn't know the difference between a squirrel and a swirl and that's why he kept using it.

I don't favor the CD, but if done correctly, you can clean light dust on some paints.

09-10-2016, 10:53 PM
some paints = waxed garage queens.