View Full Version : What coating to use?? HELP!!

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08-12-2016, 11:09 AM
It has been a while since I have tried a coating so I was going to ask you guys to see what I have missed in the last couple years in terms of new/improved products or techniques.

For a little background, my first go at a coating was a few years ago with Cquartz UK edition. I think I remember at the time I did the research this was supposed to be one of the better looking coatings and thats why I went with it (especially with the dark metallic green paint my car had, wanted something with lots of depth). It was my first ever coating so I'm sure I made some mistakes and need improvement on technique but I was disappointed with the results. Don't get me wrong, my car never shed water better than when I had that coating on it (compared to paint sealants I had used previously), and it looked INCREDIBLE (partially due to polishing prior to application). However, the paint didn't feel that smooth after applying, it had this weird rough feeling it never had before. The paint had always felt buttery smooth before the coating. For my prep I had washed, clayed, used CarPro Eraser (2 times), and then applied the coating in a garage.

After this experience I decided to just stick with quality paint sealant (WGDG 3.0), and spray wax every wash (Megs X-Press Wax) and have been happy with the results. I have decided to give coatings another try, however, seeing as a lot of people have been getting great results with them as well as I have moved to a location where I no longer have the luxury of having a garage to pull my car in so I would like to get the best protection on it I can get.

I know this is long-winded but, I just want to know what you guys think. Did I do everything correctly but maybe just had a bad batch of Cquartz? Or maybe since it was my first time applying a coating I botched the installation and could try again. I also want to know what are the latest and greatest in the coatings since I know how quickly things change these days. From my initial evaluation I can still see Cquartz is a favorite along with the other staples like Opti-Pro.

What do you guys think?

08-12-2016, 11:46 AM
UK does not feel slick to the touch. Doesn't mean that there is something wrong with it, that's just a characteristic of it.

If you want the "slick" feel from the coating, may I suggest, McKees or PBL

08-12-2016, 11:59 AM
Strong coating with high hardness will have less than average slickness conparing to wax or sealant, it's characteristic and nothing wrong with them as long as you not touch them. You can topping them with wax or sealant if you prefer slick feels over surface, just be sure that there is no solvent in them. PBL paint coating booster can be use on top of any coating and it's could increase you slickness feeling as long as extend and reinforce your base coating as well.

08-12-2016, 12:00 PM
PBL(or Pinnacle Black Label)is very easy to use, looks great, and is super slick. I highly recommend them.
They also have a great shelf life of 10+ years

08-12-2016, 12:55 PM
This reminds me of the BFMS wax discussion where people felt the wax should have felt more slick. I... generally don't want to touch my paint... so...???? Also you are allowed to put sealant/wax over the coating to get that oily buttery slip and slide touch.

08-12-2016, 01:34 PM
OP you state CQuartz looked incredible and shed water like nothing else, I would take those over "not feeling smooth".

08-12-2016, 01:52 PM
Cquartz uk on my car, and my friends car with ultimate paste wax feels slicker. But when I tried to foam my car last night to wash it, the foam didn't want to stay on for any period of time. When it rains, my car is dry when I pull into the garage so.. the feel isn't important. The effect is at the end of the day.

08-12-2016, 01:57 PM
This reminds me of the BFMS wax discussion where people felt the wax should have felt more slick. I... generally don't want to touch my paint... so...???? Also you are allowed to put sealant/wax over the coating to get that oily buttery slip and slide touch.

Its not that I necessarily WANT my paint to feel slick, I was just concerned because I wasn't aware that coatings can have that texture. It felt almost like sandpaper when I would wipe it down with a microfiber. I thought I did something wrong. I feel better now that everyone is saying that's normal!

It seems backwards that a coating that feels "rough" has the super-hydrophobic abilities that it does have!

Thanks for the input!

08-12-2016, 03:41 PM
Try polish angel cosmic coating- sold at sister site Autopia. It's more like a wax/sealant with coating looks and benefits.

08-12-2016, 03:46 PM
UK does not feel slick to the touch. Doesn't mean that there is something wrong with it, that's just a characteristic of it.

If you want the "slick" feel from the coating, may I suggest, McKees or PBL
Oh my god yes. What he said. If you want a slick feeling then use spray waxes in top of it, but Cquartz is so much better than something like Gloss Coat which feels smooth. There is nothing wrong with Cquartz just because the feeling isn't smooth.

08-12-2016, 03:57 PM
I just put PBL surface coating on my car and I've never experienced a slicker feeling paint. Amazing stuff.

08-12-2016, 04:02 PM
Try PBL paint coating. It easy to apply, long lasting, and slick.

08-12-2016, 04:28 PM
Or as others mentioned. Top it with PBL booster... or Gyeon Cure and see if you achieve desired slickness

The Guz
08-12-2016, 05:43 PM
Gloss Coat would get my vote besides PBL b

08-12-2016, 07:12 PM
If you really want it to be slick, you can try topping the cquartz uk with regular cquartz. Supposedly the regular cquartz feels slicker.