View Full Version : Steel Wool

10-27-2007, 12:12 PM
I have heard a lot of you guys using super fine (#000, or #0000) steel wool for windows, chrome, etc.
I have used it once or twice on my dirtbike, but EACH TIME I use it with any sort of polish it becomes a huge mess of fine steel wool strands everywhere. I have used an old microfiber towel to clean all the junk off, but it just gets filled up with the fine fibers and is now useless.
What do you guys do to with keeping it all under control? Are you applying polish by hand with MF or foam pad, letting it dry, and buffing with steel wool or what?
Also, I notice just storing this stuff seems to leave metal particles everywhere.
Any help here on using steel wool successfully and still staying almost clean with it would be helpful. :D

10-27-2007, 12:31 PM
When I have used it, it is with a product (chrome cleaner, etc) applied on it so it goes on wet..I haven't had a problem with it disintegrating on me. I don't use it very often however.

Anthony Orosco
10-30-2007, 08:50 AM
Don't use steel wool on glass as using it on todays glass can cause fine scratches which can then become cloudy and hazed as those fine scratches fill in with grit and grime. Good luck cleaning the glass from that.

Most of todays chrome is plastic also (at least decorative wise) so be careful using steel wool there also.


10-30-2007, 08:58 AM
I've used steel wool on exhaust tips before but never had a problem with it falling apart. I use light pressure though, I don't really scrub it, just go over a few times then wipe clean with a cheap mf.

10-30-2007, 01:13 PM
Don't use steel wool on glass as using it on todays glass can cause fine scratches which can then become cloudy and hazed as those fine scratches fill in with grit and grime. Good luck cleaning the glass from that.

Most of todays chrome is plastic also (at least decorative wise) so be careful using steel wool there also.


Thank you...definitely good to know considering I just got a new windshield after the dealer accidentally broke my last one while replacing my windshield cowl. :D

I've used steel wool on exhaust tips before but never had a problem with it falling apart. I use light pressure though, I don't really scrub it, just go over a few times then wipe clean with a cheap mf.

Just taking the steel wool out of the bag of 16 #0000 pads it came in and there are little steel fibers(?) everywhere. It's a popular brand too from what I've seen.
Do you usually use the pads with a lot of product or pretty dry?

10-30-2007, 01:25 PM
I wouldn't say "a lot" of product, enough that I can easily cover the area I'm working on.