View Full Version : Odd dust problem - spray wax

08-06-2016, 08:25 AM
Hi guys, I've been using Meguiars ultimate quik wax after each weekly wash. So far it's been fantastic in combination with liquid ultimate wax already applied on the car. However, i recently waxed my other car with mother's glaze and carnuaba liquid wax, using megs UQW after each wash. But I started noticing when the car gets dusty you can see on the paint where I've applied the quik wax, like the actual strokes which are now outlined by the dust on the car. Is this normal? Or does megs UQW just not like mother's carnuaba? Thanks

08-06-2016, 10:01 AM
Or does megs UQW just not like mother's carnuaba? Thanks
I'll say it's a possibility...
based on the below IMO-factoids:

Meguiar's UQW is a Sealant.
Meguiar's UW (Liquid) is a Sealant.
Compatible? Yes.
(Sealant over Sealant "topping-scenario")

Mothers Carnauba Wax contains Wax.
Meguiar's UQW is a Sealant.
Compatible? Not so much.
(Sealant over Wax "topping-scenario")

Of course YMMV.


08-06-2016, 10:12 AM
I'll say it's a possibility...
based on the below IMO-factoids:

Meguiar's UQW is a Sealant.
Meguiar's UW (Liquid) is a Sealant.
Compatible? Yes.
(Sealant over Sealant "topping-scenario")

Mothers Carnauba Wax contains Wax.
Meguiar's UQW is a Sealant.
Compatible? Not so much.
(Sealant over Wax "topping-scenario")

Of course YMMV.


Any product you can recommend besides UQW for my situation?

08-06-2016, 10:41 AM
Any product you can recommend
besides UQW for my situation?
Is the situation you're talking about
the need for a "getting rid of dust aid?

If so:
I use Meguiar's D114.
It has never "messed up"
any LSPs on my vehicles.


08-06-2016, 12:01 PM
Any product you can recommend besides UQW for my situation?

Have you tried Kenotek Showroom Shine? (AG's sister site carries it)

I recently gave this a shot and pretty impressed. Its a QD spray that has antistatic capabilities to repel dust. It also has some of the best gloss I've seen in a QD. Overall a great product to try and you might like it.

I am pretty impressed by some of the Kenotek stuff I bought. Good quality and works as advertised.

08-06-2016, 01:08 PM
You might be using a little too much UQW but I've experienced a lot of dust attraction with UQW. Been using Wolfgang Sealant Spritz and I am very happy with its appearance, ease of use, streak-free, and very little dust accumulation. Very noticeable when comparing it to other LSP's like OCW and even Opti-Seal and WG Liquid Seal. It's kinda pricey but wait till a gallon is on sale and it's not too bad.

08-06-2016, 01:18 PM
A second vote for Kenotec Showroom Shine. I wish car dealers would use this in their showrooms to help keep the dust off of showroom cars.

08-07-2016, 03:31 PM
You might be using a little too much UQW but I've experienced a lot of dust attraction with UQW. Been using Wolfgang Sealant Spritz and I am very happy with its appearance, ease of use, streak-free, and very little dust accumulation. Very noticeable when comparing it to other LSP's like OCW and even Opti-Seal and WG Liquid Seal. It's kinda pricey but wait till a gallon is on sale and it's not too bad.

Overuse of D156 can have such adverse effects? I've been wondering all morning ever since showing up to wash an RV that I had washed just 4 weeks ago.. I had topped it with D156, but I have a habit of using it heavy and when I showed up today it was caked!

I couldn't help but think if it was due to the D156. It could just be that the owner went on a good road trip since the wheels & tires were also quite dirty, but I was still surprised at the layer of dust & dirt that had accumulated on the paint.