View Full Version : Have you ever taken a customers vehicle to the "car wash"?

08-04-2016, 06:19 PM
I'm seriously contemplating on finally doing this right about now... Why? 1st of all, her SUV is Always trashed when she brings it to me.. I mean trashed! Besides it being alot of cleaning to do [which I don't really mind] I've always been curious as to what kind of job the local "hand wash" would do with a vehicle in that state / and how long it takes them to do it / and how much it costs.
Kinda like a real deal comparison.
She always raves about what a great job I do.. It's always been somewhat impossible for me to gauge it compared to the job they do at that car wash because even though I used to take my previous vehicles for a wash every 3 months [way back when I would get my oil changed there and they'd give a coupon for a free wash] My car was always darn near spotless when I showed up for them to wash it. Lol.

I think I'm going to do it. Has anyone else ever thought about this? Or am I weird?

08-04-2016, 06:26 PM
If it is continually trashed, charge more.

08-04-2016, 06:27 PM
Is your reputation worth it?

08-04-2016, 06:36 PM
Is your reputation worth it?

She's 1 of my old best friends mom.. She's known me since I was like 6yrs old. My reputation is rock solid with her. Lol.
She's the owner of the Honda CRV I always use as a guineua pig.😏


My main interest is finding out how thorough they get with her interior, because it's at least a level 8 everytime. And I darn near leave it detailed because I just don't know any other way.

But regardless, if it's no where near the usual results I give her I'll finish up the loose ends before returning it to her.

08-04-2016, 06:44 PM
If it is continually trashed, charge more.

But she's like my childhood friends mom... She's on the hooked up price foe life status and there's not much I can do, ya know?:)

Most she's ever given me for a wash "mini detail" is $60. That happened once.. I was blown away surprised. Lol. Apparently so was she at the great job I did, even though I think I always do the same job on her vehicle. [besides the crazy test spots and such]

08-04-2016, 06:48 PM
In your case it wouldn't sound like a big deal if you did. Normally it wouldn't sound like a good idea though.

Is it/will it change what you charge though?

08-04-2016, 07:00 PM
Is it/will it change what you charge though?

That's exactly what I'm hoping to gain from it, yes. You see, my problem has always been pricing. I tend to be too nice or feel bad about throwing out a price that might shock a customer [this is a personal problem I deal with. Just how I am I guess]

I hope to gain 1st hand knowledge on what a pita/or not it really is to be a regular person and have to take time out of your day to drive down to the crowded car wash and sit and wait, pay, and lets see what kind of results they deliver for the money and in the time frame.

To be honest a part of me is hoping they aren't very close [especially time wise] because that would hurt my ego a bit. [for lack of a better term]

I'm not going into this expecting to whip anyones butt. Just want to find out those little questions I've always had inside my mind. I'm hoping it'll provide me some more assurance when it comes to throwing out a price. I'm going to wait till tomorrow [Friday afternoon. 82 degrees & Sunny. It's gonna be packed and I'm looking forward to that because the longer the wait, the more convenient I become to my customers.😏

Real Riders
08-04-2016, 08:02 PM
I had a friend who was a detailer who took every customers car to the $11 handwash before detailing the car. This way he usually would never have to wash it and just start in on the detail when he got home (he detailed at his house) . It also worked great for him in the winter since he didn't have to wash the car outside in the freezing weather and the car would be dry when he got home

08-04-2016, 08:02 PM
Friends and family = deep discounts,I steer clear of that your stuck there.I would eat it and clean it and somehow tell her your time is more valuable.

08-04-2016, 08:13 PM
Friends and family = deep discounts,I steer clear of that your stuck there.I would eat it and clean it and somehow tell her your time is more valuable.

I hear you.. However I'm not that busy yet. If I was busy to the neck I'd most deff let her know how it's gonna have to cost a certain level for me to do it. She's cool.

08-04-2016, 08:18 PM
It's gonna sting but somehow you have to get out of that situation if it's trashed all the time.

08-04-2016, 08:19 PM
It's gonna sting but somehow you have to get out of that situation if it's trashed all the time.

Yea there's been times where it's like what the heck am I doing all this for car wash price. Insane - _ -

08-04-2016, 10:42 PM
Be upfront and honest with her. "I don't mind doing your vehicles, at 'X' price, but if you continually bring me this vehicle in a trashed condition, it's going to be 'Y' price instead of 'X'". It's really that simple. Either she understands, and accepts the price hike, or she doesn't and you don't do the vehicle. Best friends mom or not, time is something you'll never get back. Don't sell yourself short.

08-04-2016, 11:08 PM
I would go with your plan. You could gain a lot of useful information. And, It's not like she's going to get less than she paid for or you won't clean up any short comings of the car wash.