View Full Version : Finish Kare options

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07-31-2016, 01:03 AM
Please help me decide on a Finish Kare product to try:
- 1000p High Temp
- 218 Poly Wipe Sealant Conditioner
- 2180 Ultra Polymer Sealant

It's for a Daily driver and I really prefer the "sealant-pop" as opposed to the "carnauba-glow". I'd appreciate a liquid owing to ease of application with DA, but if I'll get more pop from the high temp, I'm fine with a hand application.

I see that the 218 offers "more protection" than the 2180. So, does the 2180 have more cleaning ability? I'm having a hard time discerning the differences between the two liquid products.

Regarding appearance, can you comment on the 3 relative to each other?

thanks for sharing any thoughts you might have.

07-31-2016, 07:18 AM
I just bought the Hi temp wax/sealant about 4 weeks ago.Its really good in terms of durability and shine.major water sheeting and super easy to wipe off with thin coats.Also can be applied to glass,any wax can be applied to glass but a majority of them leave film and streaks and hard to even out on glass.Ive used it on 12 cars so far.The other 2 products haven't tried.

07-31-2016, 08:33 AM
Please help me decide on a Finish Kare product to try:
- 1000p High Temp
- 218 Poly Wipe Sealant Conditioner
- 2180 Ultra Polymer Sealant

It's for a Daily driver and I really prefer the "sealant-pop" as opposed to the "carnauba-glow". I'd appreciate a liquid owing to ease of application with DA, but if I'll get more pop from the high temp, I'm fine with a hand application.

FK1000P is actually a Sealant that
I find supplies an extraordinary
amount of "Sealant-pop".


I also use a DA to apply it.


Setec Astronomy
07-31-2016, 08:39 AM
I had a sample of the 2180 once, and I was unimpressed, I found it a lot like Meg's #21 V.1, both in performance and in that it separated and was hard to get back together. If you were able to apply it, it worked ok. Of course that was a long time ago maybe it's different now.

On the other hand, I hear nothing but good things about FK1000.

WT Taggart
07-31-2016, 08:41 AM
Looks great Bob, post more pics of the complete vehicle. Thanks for sharing.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

07-31-2016, 10:38 AM
FK1000P is actually a Sealant that
I find supplies an extraordinary
amount of "Sealant-pop".


I also use a DA to apply it.


Wow! Looks great, Bob!

07-31-2016, 10:52 AM
I've seen that car in person more than once, wearing FK1000P of course, and the pics don't do it justice!

07-31-2016, 12:10 PM
Bob- is the 1000p can large enough to get a 4" DA pad inside? Or are you removing the product from the can with something, then spreading it on your pad? I've read that the product can be really hard/dry. I'd like to know more about your method. Thanks!

07-31-2016, 12:44 PM
The opening on the can is 4 3/8" so a 4" pad will fit in. I've been applying it by hand in very thin coats and have had no issue removing it. I keep a bottle of FK425 handy to use on a MF if I should get any on rubber or trim for a quick wipe off before it drys.

The finish from FK1000p IMO is like another coat of clear and as Bob said really makes the metallic pop. I also applied it to my wife's non-metallic black Golf after a light polishing with Prima Amigo with great looking results--the Amigo seems to have added some depth to the look.

Water just jumps off the surface, I don't even worry about bird bombs any longer, the very few water spots I get wash off in a snap and I've gotten nearly a year of durability out of 2 coats applied 48 hours apart.

On a side note FK425 makes a great drying aid--very slick!

07-31-2016, 05:47 PM
Bob- is the 1000p can large enough
to get a 4" DA pad inside?

Yes...FK1000P tin's opening will
easily accommodate 4" DA pads.

I've read that the product can be really hard/dry.

Internet hyperbole/purely anecdotal.

I'd like to know more about your method. Thanks!

I apply FK1000P using Griot's Garage 3"
Polisher (speed setting 3)...with the
RUPES 4" White Foam Finishing pads...
as depicted in the picture below:

The following Mike Phillips article:


07-31-2016, 06:16 PM
Thanks, Bob. And to the rest of you, as well.

I love my gg6 but may have to look into the 3" for LSP application. Looks much easier.

07-31-2016, 06:54 PM
Bob--do you just put the pad in the can and spin it on low speed or do you apply the 1000 to the pad by hand??

If you put the pad in the can what do you do when the 1000 develops a non even surface in the can??

07-31-2016, 08:57 PM
What would bother me about using a polisher to apply the wax is getting it on rubber and trim. I guess i could stay away from all the edges and go back by hand

07-31-2016, 09:20 PM
Bob--do you just put the pad in the can
and spin it on low speed or do you apply the 1000 to the pad by hand??

If you put the pad in the can what
do you do when the 1000 develops
a non even surface in the can??
•While the pad is in the can...I don't
let the polisher spin at any speed.
-Just a "blip-of-the-switch" suffices.

•Have yet to run into an uneven
surface in the can situation.
-If/when it arises, I suppose I'll even
it out with something like a putty knife.


07-31-2016, 09:25 PM
What would bother me about using a
polisher to apply the wax is getting it
on rubber and trim.

I guess i could stay away from all the
edges and go back by hand

I always "dress" the rubber and
trim before applying LSPs either
by hand, or by machine.
