View Full Version : looking for alternative to my favorite APC

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07-24-2016, 07:29 PM
i have been using OPC (Power Clean) for years, but, it's pretty expensive. but awesome. i tried an orange degreaser from another detailing brand and it was useless.

for those who have tried OPC - is there an alternative out there that is more affordable? I am looking for something that I can safely use to clean painted stuff, tires and tar/greasy type stuff but also dilute for use elsewhere, like leather.

i was looking a Meguiar's, but Megs has an APC and a Super Degreaser, whereas OPC does both w/ one product.

i found someone on here who recommended the McKee's Hi-Intensity APC but in the same sentence they also recommended the other orange stuff i used and hated. but i am taking a hard look at the McKee's anyway.


07-24-2016, 07:36 PM
megs d101 works very well from anything in the interior to exterior. also very inexpensive...

07-24-2016, 07:37 PM
La awesome is pretty good for a otc product.The megs stuff is pretty good,when I can't meet up with my vendor I use the green apc from megs.The super degreaser is pretty strong and you can cut it 50/50.stick with the green it's versatile on everything.

07-24-2016, 07:41 PM
megs d101 works very well from anything in the interior to exterior. also very inexpensive...

thanks. is it good w/ truly greasy/sticky stuff too? and tires?

La awesome is pretty good for a otc product.The megs stuff is pretty good,when I can't meet up with my vendor I use the green apc from megs.The super degreaser is pretty strong and you can cut it 50/50.stick with the green it's versatile on everything.

haha yeah i know TA has been recommended for a while but it appears to be the same active ingredient as the other orange stuff i tried so i'm good there. nice to see two votes for the megs though. thanks.

07-24-2016, 07:49 PM
OPC costs a few more bucks for a reason. I use it on interior leather without fear of it staining or pulling dye out. You have some nice rides so I don't know why you'd want to risk a product that is probably inferior to save literally a few dollars. If I was you, I'd order a few gallons while AG has this 20% off sale goin on.

07-24-2016, 07:53 PM
OPC costs a few more bucks for a reason. I use it on interior leather without fear of it staining or pulling dye out. You have some nice rides so I don't know why you'd want to risk a product that is probably inferior to save literally a few dollars. If I was you, I'd order a few gallons while AG has this 20% off sale goin on.

thanks. i agree that it's awesome and flexible but i end up using it everywhere, not just for detailing, and i mow through it. i use it in the house, in the garage - everywhere. if i could find something close to it and then cut my OPC use back to situations where i really need that specific product, i'd feel better about things.

07-24-2016, 07:59 PM
+1 For Megs 101. I use this stuff on everything from my dirt on my kids sneakers to tar and tree sap on my truck.

07-24-2016, 08:06 PM
Gotcha. If you're going to use for other things then I'd agree with D101.

07-24-2016, 08:21 PM
MOTHERS PROFESSIONAL LINE APC really caught me off guard. It is a amazing APC! Got it here but now I see they dropped it?



07-24-2016, 08:27 PM
MOTHERS PROFESSIONAL LINE APC really caught me off guard. It is a amazing APC! Got it here but now I see they dropped it?


Was pretty good apc,especially 10 bucks a gallon when ag was liquidating it.

07-24-2016, 08:29 PM
i looked at the Mothers Pro APC before and saw potash in the msds so i steered clear.

07-24-2016, 08:32 PM
thanks. i agree that it's awesome and flexible but i end up using it everywhere, not just for detailing, and i mow through it. i use it in the house, in the garage - everywhere. if i could find something close to it and then cut my OPC use back to situations where i really need that specific product, i'd feel better about things.
Zep 505 in HD is not bad and cheap.

07-24-2016, 08:45 PM
i found someone on here who recommended the McKee's Hi-Intensity APC but in the same sentence they also recommended the other orange stuff i used and hated. but i am taking a hard look at the McKee's anyway.

If I were you I'd steer clear of the McKee's Hi Intensity APC. I followed the high praise by someone who said it had more cleaning power than Megs D101 and was even safer to boot... Pfft... 1st off, this does not clean better than Megs D101, period.


2nd of all, after having used D101 and D180 to clean my interior for 2.5 years without a hitch this all of sudden happens to my steering wheel after 2-3 test runs using it to wipe down my interior the same exact way I always have.. I know there's a small chance this was bound to eventually happen, but what are the odds it just so happens when I begin to use this new APC?

I think there's a reason why this APC gets almost no mention by anyone on this forum...

This is really starting to bug me because it's all I see everytime I drive my car..


This stuff is flat out weak @ 10:1, yet somehow manages to not feel safe on leather & vinyl... I finally found a way to put it to some use by diluting it @4:1 and using it as a carpet & matt cleaner. It did well at that. Plus it claims to not leave a residue behind so there's no worry of having to rinse/neutralize after using it to clean carpets. But other than that, it doesn't compare to Megs D101, which is a champ at just about any task you throw at it. Cleaning carpets, leather interior, vinyl, plastic & rubber trim, exterior pre wash & scrub [on lower panels that are extra dirty] cleans wheels, works around the house, does all that and more @10:1 dilution. Great value. Get some, you won't be disappointed.

07-24-2016, 09:15 PM
@Eldorado. I have been using Mckees Hi Intensity the past while on interiors and have been happy with it. Never gave me any issues and cleans good IMO/IME. Looks like I should give Megs a shot though.

07-24-2016, 09:41 PM
I have Meg's 101 and I love it. I use it on the leather and almost anything interior besides for glass. I have a 10:1 and a 4:1 for the really tricky stuff. I am still a rookie compared to many on this forum. I probably don't use it to half of its potential

Not to hijack but what is everyone using their Meg's 101 on? Is it safe on PVC Chrome wheels? Paint? Etc?