View Full Version : What could I have done different, I am very angry over a customer issue.....

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07-18-2016, 09:55 AM
I was referred to a new client by an existing, long time customer to work on a few vehicles. Some may remember my California Duster post as he was a frequent user. So, I met him and looked at his new vette that was trashed by the dealer during his free wash with oil change. I quoted him a price for 3 vehicles, a ceramic coating on the vette and 2 exterior 1-step jobs on his GMC Envoys. I gave him roughly 30% off the whole package, basically I was doing a whole vehicle free. My reason was, he has another vette friend that was looking to get his vehicle done. I figured I would be able to get my money back on the second vette with a coating. Did his vette, turned out great and he picked it up. I scheduled his wife's Envoy next. I arrived to pick it up Tuesday evening. I asked if they were going to pick it up that night or do they want me to bring it back the next morning. The went with the following morning. I said ok, I'll get it done and brought back in the morning. He then asked about the inside..... I said my price was just the exterior work, no interior cleaning. He said uh-oh, I might have gotten myself into some trouble. He told his wife it was ALL three vehicles, inside and out! I said no, sorry, an interior on a SUV is going to add another 2-3 hours onto the exterior which was already going to put me into the late night. He said, oh, that is allot of money for just the outsides. I said I am already looking at 20 or so hours to do all three vehicles, not including another 4-6 for interiors of the two SUV's. I said I would vacuum and wipe down the insides at no charge. He agreed. I took the vehicle home, full decon, one step, wipe everything down and call it a night. The next morning I return the vehicle. His wife is inside, he greats me and says thanks. I said don't you want to check it out? He says ok, and does a walk around. Then he asks how much if we stop working now........... He is in over his head on the "bargain" I gave him. I told him a price, he said ok we will do the third vehicle. I schedule it for Sunday.

Thursday I call to confirm and he agrees. Friday he calls and says he doesn't want the third vehicle done. Ok, then he asks for MORE of a discount because he said his wife found some things wrong. I said I wish you would have told me, I would have fixed anything that was found. He said there was "road grime" on the doors and something dripped down the side. I said I had you walk around the vehicle and inspect it! His response was "I didn't look very close." Ok, first the road grime, I washed the whole thing, nano skinned it and dried it. Next I used Blackfire Polish to one step the vehicle. The WHOLE vehicle. If anything, there was polish dust, however Blackfire doesn't dust. Second the "run" he talked about I have a feeling was from a trim panel that had water stuck behind it and when I drove it 25 minutes to his house, it ran. But again, I walked around it before he came outside and I didn't see it. Eventually after being furious I said just pay me for the vette. He agrees and says, I still want you to wash my vette because I know you know what you are doing! Really? After I get paid, I am done with this guy, I know I lost out on the second vette, but at this rate I don't care because who knows what he was going to try. So, I have already come up with a few things I will be doing differently. No discounts, period. Secondly, I will offer pickup but I will no longer deliver a vehicle, someone will be required to do a walk around and sign off on it. This is my first complaint in 3 years, and I don't even call it that. I think he got in over his head and just wanted out. Totally ruined my attitude for most of the weekend.

07-18-2016, 10:15 AM
sometimes its easier to just do what you did, an never deal with them again. Some jobs aren't worth the headache, and thats in any industry! Keep up the good work, karma will work out for ya! :)

07-18-2016, 10:36 AM
If you've been 3 years with no complaints I wouldn't over react. A checklist to go over with the customer when the car is finished isn't a bad idea. People like that are going to try to screw you no matter what you do. If you have a feeling a customer may end up being a problem you may want to have a couple more steps to protect yourself in place, but other than that it sounds like you do quality work and shouldn't have much to worry about..
Maybe a form of exactly what work is going to be completed with a copy to give to the customer so there isn't anything that can be blamed on miscommunication.

07-18-2016, 10:39 AM
Owning a residential cleaning company, we have the same issues. After 15 years here is our setup to help prevent these type of situations.

1) No discounts up front. "I'm a real estate agent and can refer lots of people." That's wonderful! Every time you do, we'll send you a referral bonus or credit your account for next time.

2) New customers - Scope of work written out and signed off on before starting. During the cleaning, any additional work added and each item signed for.

3) New customer - Inspect sheet given to customer with areas serviced itemized and each one signed for.

Some people frown on it, but we explain it is to make sure we meet their expectations and everyone has the same concept of what is to be done. No surprises. As the relationship builds, so does trust - and the contract can vanish. "Just do what you did last time." Sure thing!

07-18-2016, 11:29 AM
I did come up with a menu or form. One for exteriors so far. Lists what is included in the basic detail, then options to add on. He asked if I washed the engine bay too! I said no, that is extra as well. He said the last guy did all that. Well the last guy left polishing compound all over the roof! New customers will sign or initial the work they want.

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07-18-2016, 12:13 PM
Pretty much what BM1024 states.

1.) Do not offer discounts.
2.) Keep your packages all inclusive (include full interior) and make sure your pricing reflects it. It's always easy to subtract a cost for work not done, than try to add it in later.
3.) Use Mike Phillips VIF form to mark up what the customer wants and make them initial it. (I'm doing a VIF inspection tonight).
4.) Never bundle because you "think" you're going to get future business. - you stated you were doing a car for nothing, for the hopes of getting something else.
I think the Blues Brothers called this a "wish sandwich".... Each car is treated as it's own transaction, without a discount.
5.) Take lots of before, during & after pic's. Look at my Show-n-Shine posts...

My wife has been self-employed for over 10 years. And the one thing I've learned from her is you do not discount. Attract the clientele you want by maintaining integrity and quality.
If you're worth it, they will pay it. Once you start discounting, you have to remember who you discounted and who you didn't and why... and what if they tell their friends they got discounts... then you have to honor those.

If someone doesn't want an interior, mark it on the VIF, quote them the full price, then show them the discounted price due to the reason (no interior).

07-18-2016, 12:29 PM
I did come up with a menu or form. One for exteriors so far. Lists what is included in the basic detail, then options to add on. He asked if I washed the engine bay too! I said no, that is extra as well. He said the last guy did all that. Well the last guy left polishing compound all over the roof! New customers will sign or initial the work they want.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

I always mention to any new client that this is a premium service, high end tools, products that last years not days, serious attention to detail, etc. What someone may do for free I have to charge for because products aren't cheap and neither is time, plus I no doubt have OCD so doing a shitty quick job is out of the question. This usually works everytime settling any doubt and when it doesn't, you really don't want to do work for that customer anyways. I'm not afraid and no detailer in this forum should be about telling your customer that there's probably someone down the street that could do the work for $100 or less but expect to be coming back after lack luster results.

When it comes to discounts, any referrals a client brings in get 30% off any paint correction and coating package as well as the client for any future work. I do multi-veicle discounts but always get paid at the end of the day if people seem shady.

I treat clients as friends and any friend that brings in serious referrals gets treated like VIP, free washes, touch ups, etc.

I think what you did was good, bite your tongue, do the job, get paid and blacklist that person from any future jobs. I've only ever been burned once, multi-stage correction and Gtechniq Crystal Laquer + EXO on a Ferrari F430. 55+ hours of work, $1300, only got $400. Car was immaculate. Client contacted me a couple of times to do his other Ferrari's but I never returned his phone calls after that. The best thing about that story is, a year later I saw his car at a plaza he owned, serious swirl marks, holograms and rotary warps in the 3M clear bra, biggest smile on my face.

07-18-2016, 12:54 PM
What I am about to say may irritate some people on this forum, however, I am in the customer service business. If I screw up I will admit it and make amends however possible. That being said, I have fired only 2 customers from my business after 9 years and still counting. Now when I say fired I mean they are no longer allowed in my business. Under no circumstance will I allow a person to denigrate and show so much dis-respect to my working staff....PERIOD.

IMO, I would no longer have him as a customer. The reason why is that he will ALWAYS be very difficult to deal with and want constant discounts and if he stares at his vehicles long enough....it will be your fault for the way the vehicle looks. No need to have so much negative vibes and be stressed out about working on a vehicle. I WOULD BET that if you were to detail his next ride....YOU would be stressed out.....life is too short...I would say take care of whatever you need to make it right and not look to detail his ride again.

Again, that is what I would do. This is what I call firing a customer.....no offense if I ticked some people off here

07-18-2016, 01:10 PM
Your discount is that im not going to butcher the #### out of your car.

07-18-2016, 01:31 PM
I would be angry too. There are some people you will never satisfy no matter what you do. Keep up the good work you do for other customers and like others have said, mark this guy off your list. He did the walk around and said it was fine. It's on him, not you.

07-18-2016, 01:55 PM
Perhaps I am beating myself up too much over it. Since I take such pride in the work to have him turn out this way just irked me. He was all about discounts for his 2015 Covrette, the two SUV's and later this summer is 1966 purchased new Corvette. After the repeated discount questions I should have know better! Thanks everyone!

07-18-2016, 04:10 PM
I was referred to a new client by an existing, long time customer to work on a few vehicles. Some may remember my California Duster post as he was a frequent user. So, I met him and looked at his new vette that was trashed by the dealer during his free wash with oil change. I quoted him a price for 3 vehicles, a ceramic coating on the vette and 2 exterior 1-step jobs on his GMC Envoys. I gave him roughly 30% off the whole package, basically I was doing a whole vehicle free. My reason was, he has another vette friend that was looking to get his vehicle done. I figured I would be able to get my money back on the second vette with a coating. Did his vette, turned out great and he picked it up. I scheduled his wife's Envoy next. I arrived to pick it up Tuesday evening. I asked if they were going to pick it up that night or do they want me to bring it back the next morning. The went with the following morning. I said ok, I'll get it done and brought back in the morning. He then asked about the inside..... I said my price was just the exterior work, no interior cleaning. He said uh-oh, I might have gotten myself into some trouble. He told his wife it was ALL three vehicles, inside and out! I said no, sorry, an interior on a SUV is going to add another 2-3 hours onto the exterior which was already going to put me into the late night. He said, oh, that is allot of money for just the outsides. I said I am already looking at 20 or so hours to do all three vehicles, not including another 4-6 for interiors of the two SUV's. I said I would vacuum and wipe down the insides at no charge. He agreed. I took the vehicle home, full decon, one step, wipe everything down and call it a night. The next morning I return the vehicle. His wife is inside, he greats me and says thanks. I said don't you want to check it out? He says ok, and does a walk around. Then he asks how much if we stop working now........... He is in over his head on the "bargain" I gave him. I told him a price, he said ok we will do the third vehicle. I schedule it for Sunday.

Thursday I call to confirm and he agrees. Friday he calls and says he doesn't want the third vehicle done. Ok, then he asks for MORE of a discount because he said his wife found some things wrong. I said I wish you would have told me, I would have fixed anything that was found. He said there was "road grime" on the doors and something dripped down the side. I said I had you walk around the vehicle and inspect it! His response was "I didn't look very close." Ok, first the road grime, I washed the whole thing, nano skinned it and dried it. Next I used Blackfire Polish to one step the vehicle. The WHOLE vehicle. If anything, there was polish dust, however Blackfire doesn't dust. Second the "run" he talked about I have a feeling was from a trim panel that had water stuck behind it and when I drove it 25 minutes to his house, it ran. But again, I walked around it before he came outside and I didn't see it. Eventually after being furious I said just pay me for the vette. He agrees and says, I still want you to wash my vette because I know you know what you are doing! Really? After I get paid, I am done with this guy, I know I lost out on the second vette, but at this rate I don't care because who knows what he was going to try. So, I have already come up with a few things I will be doing differently. No discounts, period. Secondly, I will offer pickup but I will no longer deliver a vehicle, someone will be required to do a walk around and sign off on it. This is my first complaint in 3 years, and I don't even call it that. I think he got in over his head and just wanted out. Totally ruined my attitude for most of the weekend.
Don't let it get you down,happens to the best of us.

07-18-2016, 04:17 PM
What I am about to say may irritate some people on this forum, however, I am in the customer service business. If I screw up I will admit it and make amends however possible. That being said, I have fired only 2 customers from my business after 9 years and still counting. Now when I say fired I mean they are no longer allowed in my business. Under no circumstance will I allow a person to denigrate and show so much dis-respect to my working staff....PERIOD.

IMO, I would no longer have him as a customer. The reason why is that he will ALWAYS be very difficult to deal with and want constant discounts and if he stares at his vehicles long enough....it will be your fault for the way the vehicle looks. No need to have so much negative vibes and be stressed out about working on a vehicle. I WOULD BET that if you were to detail his next ride....YOU would be stressed out.....life is too short...I would say take care of whatever you need to make it right and not look to detail his ride again.

Again, that is what I would do. This is what I call firing a customer.....no offense if I ticked some people off here
Agreed.No multi car discounts to much physical labor involved and time .life is short to be stressed about anything.appreciate your healthy and your loved ones also.Detailing a car isn't gonna stress me out.

07-18-2016, 04:35 PM
Nothing wrong with beating yourself up over this somewhat, but chalk it up as a lesson learned.

Second, I do multiple vehicles for a customer all the time. When you are in this situation, a written estimate is vital. List the vehicles, what services will be performed on them, and the cost. Setting proper expectation is key.

Others may disagree, but I have no problem giving a discount on multiple cars to one customer. But.......services are paid for in advance with understanding that the discount is only valid with multiple vehicles done.

Picking up and delivering vehicles is a great convenience to customers. But always ensure that you walk around them and touch them up before delivering to customer.

Repeating what others have said....never give a customer a deal in hopes that it will bring more business. If I had done that for every customer that told me that, I would be bankrupt and out of business.

Take time to analyze what you did wrong, what could have been different, and learn from your mistakes. Should this customer be fired? That remains to be seen. Follow-up with him & apologize. If he wants you to come out and wash his Vette, set the expectations and stick to your guns. Otherwise, thats your call.

Best of luck.

07-18-2016, 04:44 PM
Fire him,your not gonna make money washing his vette.Bottom line he is a snake and doesn't appreciate your kindness or work.