View Full Version : Is there an expedited process for obtaining written permission for Meg's logo usage ?

Coach Steve
06-28-2016, 02:25 PM
Hi Mike,

A Google search for the steps necessary to obtain written permission from Meg's to use one of their brand logos on advertising materials (my company banner, in this case) returns infinite forum posts - some over a decade old - asking basically the same question with wildly varying answers and suggestions.
Has the process for obtaining permission ever been expedited to make it easier to get a yes or no directly from Meguiar's?

Thanks Mike, for all you do and continue to do to ensure the success of us guys in the trenches.

Steve McLean
Chandler, AZ

Mike lambert
06-28-2016, 02:54 PM
Why don't you just call them?

Mike Phillips
06-28-2016, 04:04 PM
Hi Steve,

Here's the original article on this topic posted by Mike Pennington...

Meguiar's Logo Usage (http://www.meguiarsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?18526-Meguiar-s-Logo-Usage)

Back then he had everyone contact me and I think we would investigate the person or business and then make a decision and let the person know.

I don't remember the criteria though.

I'd recommend posting to the thread above. The thread really needs to be updated.

My guess is if you call Meguiar's you'll probably not get the answer you want.


Coach Steve
07-01-2016, 01:47 PM
Thanks, Mike for the reply. I called them and nobody seemed to know the answer nor who to transfer me to, to get the answer.
It just seems strange that an issue that has been addressed so many times in their own forum as well as this one still doesn't have a boiler plate answer. And, you'd think they'd get at least once call a week asking about logo usage yet no one had a clue who I should talk to.