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06-25-2016, 12:52 AM
The title says it all. What are some of your favorite products that you feel like everyone should at least try? I'd like to try some new products, so I figured you bunch are probably a pretty good crop to get advice from.

If I were to pick a couple, they would include BF Crystal Seal, Poorboy's Natty's blue paste(just got red to try out soon), CG AllClean+, and Sonax Cutmax to name a few.

In this case is like recommendations for any/all types of products, but with a slight concentration on products that will be great to have as a college student for when I start this fall.

Two that I am looking at for this are Uber RW and BF waterless. Let the recommendations flow!

06-25-2016, 02:21 AM
HD Speed, Poorboy's red paste(I'm sure blue is similar, only tried red), Blackfire Wet Diamond Sealant, FK 1000p, all some of my favorites that I couldn't recommend enough.

Edit: Would love to try Uber rinseless, but I have only used Meguiar's D114 rinseless wash. One of the most versatile products around.

06-25-2016, 05:06 AM
Everything listed above I would also recommend I would like to add a few other products that I love and must always have on deck.

- HD Speed (Good for almost every type of vehicle)

- McKee's 37 Jeweling Wax (The shine from this wax is simply amazing I've never seen anything like it!)

- Sonax Wheel Cleaner Plus (must have! So easy to clean rims now.)

- Sonax Polymer Net Shield (very good protection and very easy to apply.)

06-25-2016, 05:32 AM
- McKee's 37 Jeweling Wax (The shine from this wax is simply amazing I've never seen anything like it!)

Agree with this statement 199%. If you have a fully corrected car and want to add even more zing, this stuff will do it.

Don M
06-25-2016, 05:38 AM
I just tried Meguiars D115 excellent all around product for waterless washing & waxing, quick detailing, drying aid, it all depends on the dilution ratio you use.

See my review HERE (http://www.autopia.org/forums/product-reviews/185006-1st-115-impressions.html#post2057136)

06-25-2016, 05:51 AM
Essence, pinnacle advance swirl remover, fk 425, griots new towels!

06-25-2016, 07:27 AM
Maybe my age or just practical, but, as a college student, are you planning on "touching" your car every few weeks? Or are you looking for something that looks good over time that you can enhance when you have a chance?

06-25-2016, 08:09 AM
Meguiars D101 APC

Chemical Guys VRP

Meguiars Natural Shine

Griots Garage Heavy Duty Wheel Cleaner

06-25-2016, 08:20 AM
This fall, while attending College:
Will you have access to an outside hose
bib and an electrical power source?


06-25-2016, 10:16 AM
Maybe my age or just practical, but, as a college student, are you planning on "touching" your car every few weeks? Or are you looking for something that looks good over time that you can enhance when you have a chance?

I plan on washing it every couple of weeks, or when I can, and putting on another coat of wax or sealant when I can. The wheels, glass, bumpers, and roof will be coated with PBL by then though.

06-25-2016, 10:17 AM
This fall, while attending College:
Will you have access to an outside hose
bib and an electrical power source?

No. There is a coin wash I can use though. However, I'm not going too far for college so I will be able to use electricity/water hose when I come home.

06-25-2016, 10:21 AM
Awesome recommendations guys, thanks! Keep 'em coming!
I already have a couple of products mentioned, but the jeweling wax is a very attractive proposition. I think I'm going to hold off on the Speed for now, only because I have 3 full corrections coming up and no cars to use it on at the moment. Will definitely out it on my list for the future though

06-25-2016, 10:24 AM
Definitely Uber Rinseless

Paul A.
06-25-2016, 10:39 AM
I'll avoid any LSP suggestions as they are pretty much subjective with regard to what someone likes for final appearance, longevity in their climate, ease of application etc. 2 products i would suggest would be Menzerna FG400 and HD Speed. I know the latter is something you may not be looking for at this time but i use it a LOT for not only customers but on the wife's DD to spruce up her paint. Basically i use it frequently.

The finish qualities of FG400 continue to blow my brain out and certainly if you're looking for a great correction product. That stuff is amazing and pretty darn versatile.

06-25-2016, 10:40 AM
Definitely Uber Rinseless
Would you recommend Uber for WW as well? I know you have a ton of S&W, but if you've tried Uber as a WW I'd love to get your opinion on it