View Full Version : W.G. Uber rinse less questions ( 2 )

bald richard
06-21-2016, 10:07 AM
1: I'm new to rinse less products, so I mixed some up ( acc. To directions ) in a spray bottle and sprayed the front bumper, let it dwell to remove last nights bugs. Worked well. Q: do you wash your towels with all your micro fiber towels or separately ?
2: After above, I went over the car with B.F. Midnight sun spray carnuba, Q: am I wasting my time & product ?
I ask because the R.W. Leaves a slick shiny finish.
By the way the car just had a correction last month

Thanks in advance, Rick

06-21-2016, 10:39 AM
1. Wash microfiber towels separately from all other materials.
2. There's no such thing as wasting wax

06-21-2016, 11:24 AM
Q: do you wash your towels with all your micro fiber towels or separately ?

I generally sort my microfiber towels depending on what they do.. Meaning I've got a large batch of a certain kind that have been demoted to interior/all purpose only.
Then there's another kind which I can tell just by looking at them [because they're a different brand and size] that they're my paint safe towels [meaning they're used for rinseless washes, waterless washes, etc]
Then there's my grade A towels which are solely designated for compound/polish removal/paint correction.
And finally there's my wash mitts and waffle weave drying towels. [about 13-15 in total]

So I have a system of 4 different wash loads. And of course there's "glass towels" But I've never seen any negative effects from tossing my glass towels in with the mitts, as long as I do a quik pre wash in my bucket [which I like to do to heavily soiled microfibers]

But not everyone's as OCD about it as some of us are... So you could probably be ok as long as you designate 2 different batches. Towels that you deem your cleanest towels, and your grade B towels, which you've used to dry off wheels, door jambs, interior, etc. I recommend having at least 2 separate loads. Wash in hot water/rinse in cold. Dry on low heat. Hopefully that helps.

Setec Astronomy
06-21-2016, 11:54 AM
The Uber Rinseless does leave a nice slick surface, but it's not going to last as long as a spray wax.

As far as the towel question, I tend to keep my wash media separate from my polishing media (because wash media is a lot more likely to have "dirt" in it that I don't want to transfer to the media I use for polish or LSP removal).