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Mike Phillips
06-17-2016, 12:21 PM
Did I just ruin my paint?

Hey guys, new to the forum.

I painted my Camaro last year and it was in need of some touch ups.

I sanded the defects, layed down 3 coats of black and 3 coats of clear. The black went on perfect, but the clear made horrible orange peel.

I sanded with 1000, 1500 and 2000, decided to polish with 3M perfect-it and this is my end result.

I know I should have painted the whole hood and panels but I figured I could get away with spot touch ups and blending with sanding and polishing.

How to I get rid of the white haze in my paint from the 3M Perfect it?

I'm guessing it's polish stuck in the pinholes of the orange peel or something.

Dishsoap, isopropyl and grease remover so far have not worked.

Just hoping all I need to do is more sanding to get this flat, but I can't get rid of the outline of the new touch up.

Maybe I just need to keep blending with 1000 grit?

Any suggestions?

PHOTOS: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0By...EczSDNRNk9kYjQ (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0By8H5E8HXNjyWEczSDNRNk9kYjQ)

Thanks in advance!

Mike Phillips
06-17-2016, 12:22 PM
You might need to compound and then polish. Try megs ultimate compound then polish.

Currently using 3M Perfect it and Ultimate polish. Maybe I need a more aggressive compound?
I think I need to sand it more would be my guess, just wanted a professional opinion before I start.


Mike Phillips
06-17-2016, 12:27 PM
Hey djsquare214

Check your PM's.

Per your request I was deleting your duplicate and somehow removed both of your posts in stead of just the duplicate.

Luckily I had your merged thread in an open window and was able to copy and paste all posts to this new thread.

First time this has ever happened to me in 12 years of running discussion forums.


Mike Phillips
06-17-2016, 12:29 PM
I can't see any pictures when I click on the link?

Email me the pictures



06-17-2016, 01:07 PM
Here's a new link to the photos: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0By8H5E8HXNjyWEczSDNRNk9kYjQ&usp=sharing

The white frosting is the 3M Perfect-it rubbing compound. Maybe it's stick in the orange peel or something?
My main concern is blending the touchup, especially on the hood. As you can see the outline.

Mike Phillips
06-17-2016, 01:16 PM
Here's your pictures and I'm kind of leaning towards suggesting to repaint the entire car...








06-17-2016, 01:23 PM
Unfortunately, your probably right about re-painting the car. Although that won't happen as that was last years budget.
I guess ill try sanding down the touch ups to flat, blend it best I can and re compound and polish and hopefully I can get it looking a little better.

I'm still confused about the haze from the compound, but it only seems to have it where heavy orange peel still exists.
Thanks for your help! I'm new to the forum and am very pleased with how helpful you are! So awesome to have a community like this!

06-17-2016, 02:35 PM
It almost looks like the product got melded/melted together with or into the paint.

06-17-2016, 02:54 PM
Sure seems that way. I can remove some of the product with dish soap and heavy scrubbing but that would take forever to take the rest of it off. I tried blending the touch up on the hood with 800, 1500 and 2000 wet sand, it helped but still very visible.
I think my only option is to respray the hood and spoiler separate as those are the worst parts and find some sort of cleaner for the white residue.

The paint and clear I was using is from my original paint job 13 months ago. Think this might have something to do with it? lol
I should have left the imperfections, it looked sooo good before I decided to sand and paint. Expensive lesson learnt the hard way!

06-17-2016, 03:52 PM
I think the 800 gritt is to heavy. Try and see if you can get some tip from a detailer close to you? Perhapes someone from the forum. Just to get some tips and ideas?

Kind regards

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06-18-2016, 12:17 AM
Do you regularly paint automobiles? I think if you are trying to do SMART (small to medium area repair technique) touch ups you are going to always have an odd looking blend line. I think the best bet is to just paint the entire car.

06-21-2016, 02:35 PM
Do you regularly paint automobiles? I think if you are trying to do SMART (small to medium area repair technique) touch ups you are going to always have an odd looking blend line. I think the best bet is to just paint the entire car.

We have experience painting aircraft, not vehicles. We did a great job painting it last year, but still had the white haze problems after polishing last year as well.
Could be the 3M Perfect it or my black polishing pad... Maybe I'll try a fresh pad and a different compound.

Maybe i'll try sanding the touchups back down to the original black and see about just re spraying the clear. I doubt I needed to respray color, just did it for added protection lol
I'll update after trying a few different things.

06-23-2016, 12:24 PM
So I was having a better look at my failed touch up attempt, and it may not be as bad as I thought.
It seems the white haze is from little specs of compound getting stuck in the orange peel. I'm guessing if I were to use grease remover and sand it flat, it would get rid of all this.

The blend, which is my main concern, looks like the only issue is the black and clear are too close to each other creating an outline effect. I should be able to sand it flat, spray black over the blend line, then fade the clear out further across the whole body panel if I can. A light color sand and polish and we will see what happens.


06-23-2016, 12:56 PM
Sounds like the perfect segue into his thread about requesting how many people want to know about how to properly wet sand...

06-23-2016, 01:09 PM
13 months. I thought clears were only good for a couple months once opened.