View Full Version : Gtechniq C1 & EXO V2 Application

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06-17-2016, 09:19 AM

I'll be applying Gtechniq C1 & EXO V2 to my vehicle this weekend. I wanted to know if there was a definitive guide anywhere on the application process? I've watched a couple of videos on youtube, but they are not very detailed. I know these products can be a little tricky to work with and if not applied properly I may need to repolish and apply the coating again.

Can someone provide detailed application steps? This is the first time I'm working with coating and don't want to screw it up.
For those that have worked with C1 and EXO multiple times, what are your tips and tricks? Which of the two is harder to work with?
How long do I wait after applying before wiping with the MP towel? Can the product be wiped off too quickly?
Can I use a suede microfiber cloths that CarPro sells with either of these products? or should I stick with the supplied pads? I was planning to use the CarPro suede cloths with the CarPro applicator.

Would I have any issues if I applied both outside in the shade (the garage is filled with other crap, plus its very dusty)?

Btw, don't know if it makes a difference, I'll be applying the coatings to a 2015 Audi S4 and a 2016 BMW M4.

06-17-2016, 09:56 AM
Call Andy B Cool - He is director of training for Gtechniq US - 239 265 6431
Text him first, I think he is doing training somewhere up north.

We have applied C1 many times, C1 is easy, EXO can be pain...and if you see that something is not right I would stop applying EXO. Do small panel first with EXO.

C1, we apply the section and almost immediately wipe it off...you need 3 towels to take it off...light buff, don't force it.

I prefer Crystal Serum Light from Gtechniq...and top it with C2V3.
I have applied about 5 50ml bottles of CSL and it is my go to coating.

06-17-2016, 11:23 AM
What looks better? EXO V2 or CSL?

06-17-2016, 11:41 AM
What looks better? EXO V2 or CSL?

What makes the paint look good, is the prep work and polishing.

Exo and CSL are totally different products.

06-17-2016, 12:10 PM
I applied both last summer. Work under good lighting so you can see the where you are applying. Wipe off immediately like mentioned above. Otherwise it will harden and you see the un wiped high spots and can only take it off by polishing.

06-17-2016, 12:24 PM
EXO is a very slick and hydrophobic coating.

As Antti mentioned above, it can be a pain to work with especially in a hot and humid environment.

It's better if you have some kind of climate controlled setting like an air conditioned garage.

06-17-2016, 01:21 PM
What makes the paint look good, is the prep work and polishing.

Exo and CSL are totally different products.

Care to elaborate?

06-17-2016, 09:54 PM
Thanks for the tips guys.

Any suggestion on using the suede towels and CarPro applicator.

06-17-2016, 10:00 PM
Thanks for the tips guys.

Any suggestion on using the suede towels and CarPro applicator.

not sure which one you have, their thin applicator or thick, I have used their applicators and suede...both fine...depends on what I have closer...

Try it out, see what you like...suede seems to waste less product...but depends on the heat...you may need more product...test can tell...don't keep doing something that won't work.
Switch to other methods...simple as that...

06-17-2016, 10:04 PM
I have these:
CarPro Suede Microfiber Cloths, suede microfibre cloths, microfiber towels, cquartz microfiber (http://www.autogeek.net/suede-microfiber-cloths-40.html)


06-17-2016, 10:09 PM
Yes but qthech have 2 different types...suede is fine...do C1 first...use exo on small panel,,and call Andy before you apply, depends what area you are, and how hot it is...

06-17-2016, 10:13 PM
I'm on Long Island, NY. Will most likely apply on Sunday, forecast says 80 degrees and 45% humidity.

What are you referring to when you say "Yes but qthech have 2 different types..."

06-17-2016, 10:21 PM
I'm on Long Island, NY. Will most likely apply on Sunday, forecast says 80 degrees and 45% humidity.

What are you referring to when you say "Yes but qthech have 2 different types..."

Gtechniq has 2 different applicators that come with coatings...CSL has soft pad...and sometimes thin pads...if you don't have them, don't worry, use suede

06-18-2016, 04:04 PM
Keep in mind that any of these can be removed by compounding (abraiding) from a panel. So I would try a test panel following the manufacturer's instructions. If it works apply to rest of car. If not try again. The key is patience and knowledge you can fix the test panel a lot faster than the whole car. I am just a hobbyist so different if PRO as time is money. Bottom line is do not fear coatings as they are generally easy to fix on a test panel.

06-18-2016, 05:03 PM
I have done the C1 and EXO many times as well and I use 3 towels for C1 and 2 for EXO.

As said already temp and humidity play a huge role in how these coating react during and install. If it's flashing too quickly then make your work area smaller. Use as much light as possible to get all the high spots.

I wait at least 8 hours before I put 2 coats of EXO over top of C1.