View Full Version : Protecting against iron laden water

06-15-2016, 07:56 PM
This will sound super strange and stupid, considering I'm voluntarily getting myself into this situation lol!
I am thinking of taking my Jeep (the Liberty) to a off road park that used to be an iron mine- the water is orange. I know it's strange to off road a vehicle I detail but it keeps me busy.

Many people report an orange tinge from the water. I'm thinking they don't wash or use any sealants. My plan was to coat it in one or two coats of Klasse sealant and then wash it immediately after. Would this greatly reduce the chances of an orange tint? If the consensus is that it'll stain permanently I'll go somewhere else.


06-16-2016, 01:05 AM
I use Wolfgang Deep Gloss Sealant 3.0 and used to have an FC Cruiser and took it off road a few times. I hit a bunch of mud puddles, and none of the water or mud stuck to the paint. Anything that's going to sheet water really well should protect it. But I would give it a good spray afterwards for all the rest of the areas. There is actually a product (forgot the brand) that I think I saw in the Autogeek store that is similar to an exterior dressing, but intended to make the undercarriage parts look black, like the fender wells and suspension components. I believe it is oil based, and could offer some protection for the bottom of your jeep. It just sprays on, and no wiping necessary.

06-16-2016, 01:08 AM
Actually I think it may have been a chemical guys product. They sell some of their products here, but not sure if they sell that one.

06-16-2016, 01:18 AM
Found it on this site, and it is a chemicals guys product. It's called bare bones undercarriage spray and says it has anti stick properties.

06-16-2016, 08:35 AM
Found it on this site, and it is a chemicals guys product. It's called bare bones undercarriage spray and says it has anti stick properties.

Bones Undercarriage spray will dry out your plastics and make them look like sh!t after using it. Looks good for a couple days after using but the long term effects are detrimental.

06-16-2016, 09:01 AM
I associate that "orangey" color with rust.

Although it may tend to clash with many
people's spontaneous free-spirit...I, for one,
sure wouldn't want to deliberately splash a
bunch of rust anywhere upon my vehicles.
