View Full Version : Debate Over LSP Removal Settled

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06-13-2016, 12:29 AM
We have all read the debate about removing LSPs. Some say Dawn, others CG Citrus (full strength), others paint cleanser i.e. P21 while others say only polishing will remove LSP. I used to be in the paint cleanser and CG Citrus camps, but thanks to a "misadventure in detailing" I got to test out all of the above. Here's the situation: two weeks ago I polished the car, and wanted to try a new LSP combo (BF Wet over Ice, but using Natty's Red as initial wax and BF spray as topper). I didn't let the sealant cure long enough, and the red wax mixed with the curing sealant and turned my Alpine White car pink...

I waited a couple of weeks, and it didn't fade. So, I figured I'd use this as an opportunity to see what will remove LSP the best. I started with Dawn...nothing, bupkis...nada. Full stength CG Citrus...the same. P21s with a hand applicator didn't touch it....not even a slight fade. I then tried P21s with LC hydrotech tangerine pad and there was significant fading but complete removal. I started to reach for the Menz 400, and saw a sample of Menz SI 1500. I tried it with the LC Tangerine and this took it right off. I know what you're thinking...where are all the pics. Well, I have a 3yo and 6yo that insist on "helping" me, so it was hard enough to complete the test, let alone take pics of all runs. I do have an after shot..

Before After
49233 49234

Overall, no soap will take LSP off. You can theorize all you want, look at indirect measurements like loss of beading, but this is a direct measurement. LSP was pink, when removed, car is back to white. I think paint cleansers would work on older LSP...closer to failing, but that's about it. If you want to remove your LSP, reliably, you have to polish.

Billy Baldone
06-13-2016, 03:52 AM
Awesome info. Thank you for giving us a genuine no b.s. test. Even if it was unintended. Lol

06-13-2016, 04:44 AM
Actually I switched from CG citrus red to their new clean slate wash. It will remove new layers of waxes and sealants extremely easy. It's what it was designed to do. I made a thread about having to remove a fresh layer of sealant and wax on a co workers car.

Just did it over the weekend, used 3oz in my foam cannon and about 6oz in my wash bucket. It took off literally everything on the car and we were talking about product that has only been on a month or so.

But I'm getting the feeling here any time I bring up a fantastic product that works and is not known by AG I get shut down lol

06-13-2016, 05:16 AM
Wonder what's in clean slate to be able to just strip all LSPs? Seems like a tall order, not saying it doesn't or won't work just curious on what chemical they are using to strip with.

Setec Astronomy
06-13-2016, 05:32 AM
Just did it over the weekend, used 3oz in my foam cannon and about 6oz in my wash bucket. It took off literally everything on the car and we were talking about product that has only been on a month or so.

What is your basis for that statement? Loss of beading? As the OP notes we've been down this road before.

06-13-2016, 05:56 AM
There you go!!!! Im overly excited you got your M squared away. Very happy to see that you brought it back to life.

Thanks for the update on what it took to get it back to life.

What is your basis for that statement? Loss of beading? As the OP notes we've been down this road before.


Mike Honcho
06-13-2016, 06:13 AM
Great write-up! Being somewhat new to this, I read D114 at ~10:1 strips LSPs. That still a viable option?

Setec Astronomy
06-13-2016, 06:18 AM
Great write-up! Being somewhat new to this, I read D114 at ~10:1 strips LSPs. That still a viable option?

Ha ha, I don't remember whether that got settled (with D114). Being that rinseless washes are touted to have lots of "polymers" in them, I would suspect that a high concentration of rinseless wash would provide a lot of polymers for masking beading and giving the illusion of stripping.

06-13-2016, 06:33 AM
I've been fairly successful with 5 gallons of paint thinner. No dilution..... Takes it right off! I'll even load it up in my foam gun.[emoji14]

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

06-13-2016, 06:40 AM
Actually I switched from CG citrus red to their new clean slate wash. It will remove new layers of waxes and sealants extremely easy. It's what it was designed to do. I made a thread about having to remove a fresh layer of sealant and wax on a co workers car.

Just did it over the weekend, used 3oz in my foam cannon and about 6oz in my wash bucket. It took off literally everything on the car and we were talking about product that has only been on a month or so.

But I'm getting the feeling here any time I bring up a fantastic product that works and is not known by AG I get shut down lol

How did you know the LSP was gone? Did you spray with water and check for beading? If so, did you then wipe it down with IPA and then spray with water again? Usually whatever soap you are using leaves surfactants behind that destroy any beading, but once the surfactants are removed with IPA the beading returns if the LSP is still there.

06-13-2016, 06:49 AM
Did you try prep all.....

Audios S6
06-13-2016, 07:31 AM
Did you try prep all.....

I have, as part of some recent testing. Minor degradation, but no stripping. I've also had carnauba flakes sitting in prep all for more than 3 weeks straight of continuous exposure. The flakes have not dissolved or even softened in that time.

06-13-2016, 07:39 AM
Great write-up!

Being somewhat new to this, I read
D114 at ~10:1 strips LSPs.

That still a viable option?
D114 is not stated by "Meguiar's"
to strip all LSPs; Waxes are the
only LSPs that I've seen mentioned.

For example:


Michael Stoops said:
Jul 24th, 2013 06:56 AM

At a very strong dilution ratio,
yes, it can strip wax.
But we're talking like 4:1
or thereabouts.

Originally Posted by Michael Stoops

There are no polymers in D114 that
will be left behind on the paint.

If you use D114 at a very strong dilution ratio,
like 6:1, it will actually strip your wax.



Setec Astronomy
06-13-2016, 07:46 AM
I have, as part of some recent testing. Minor degradation, but no stripping. I've also had carnauba flakes sitting in prep all for more than 3 weeks straight of continuous exposure. The flakes have not dissolved or even softened in that time.

LOL...science for the win!

06-13-2016, 08:15 AM
Actually I switched from CG citrus red
to their new clean slate wash.

It will remove new layers of waxes and
sealants extremely easy. It's what it was
designed to do.

But I'm getting the feeling here any time
I bring up a fantastic product that works
and is not known by AG I get shut down

The Persecution Complex is
becoming a little tiresome.

:idea: ... Try Martyrdom:
I hear that's where a person believes
that all their mental sufferings will be
pleasurably compensated.

However...(On the flip side):
Having this psychosis also makes the case
that 'The Final Hospitalization' is urgent.
