View Full Version : Flex PE 8 Kompact First time rotary buffing

Red Lehr
06-11-2016, 09:59 AM
I received my Flex PE 8 and kit from AG the other day and decided to break out an old car hood to try my hand at a rotary polisher.
I taped a line on the hood to do some comparison buffing.I scratched up the paint with 4000 grit emery.
On the left side,I used the 3" orange Flex pad and Menzerna 400,on the right I used the same pad and Wolfgang Total Swirl Remover.I found out real quick that you don't need to turn this bad boy up much over the 3rd speed setting to get results. My first thought was, it takes a steadier hand to work a rotary polisher,and you really have to keep your mind on what you are doing.
I set the PE8 on 2 setting to do the buffing and made 8 section passes on both sides using the two different products. The PE8 did a great job with only a few little scratches here and there that didn't come out,BUT ,I would normally use a wool cutting pad after any sanding,this was just to see what the Flex PE8 could do. I am not a pro,but with a little practice this is one great machine and I'm glad it's in my arsenal.
First pic is before buffing. second pic is after..

06-11-2016, 10:52 AM
Nice! The PE8 is on my short list!

Paul A.
06-11-2016, 11:11 AM
Nice looking work, Red! The only thing i will caution you about is the high chance of holograms. Make sure you bring that hood out into some sunshine if you have any and look carefully at the corrected section.

06-11-2016, 11:56 AM
Looks great. Now all you need is a PE14 lol

06-11-2016, 12:37 PM
Nice. I have been using a rotary for 40ish years. As stated keep your mind on what your doing and DO NOT buff into a body line or sharp edge.


Red Lehr
06-11-2016, 02:15 PM
Thanks for the advice Puckman

Red Lehr
06-11-2016, 02:17 PM
I just went outside and turned the hood towards the Sun and the right hand side panel that I used the rotary buffer on had Holograms but the first side did not. What is it that a person does wrong to create these lines or Holograms?

Nick 93
06-11-2016, 03:21 PM
I am not as experienced as a lot of people on here but I do know that any sort of angle on the buffer can cause swirls. If you don't have it flat against the paint it can easily be done especially if it's a curved panel. It can also be caused if you don't clean your pad enough I believe. Hopefully someone else with more experience can provide more input.

06-13-2016, 03:45 AM
Good to hear/see Red. Nice work.

I just went outside and turned the hood towards the Sun and the right hand side panel that I used the rotary buffer on had Holograms but the first side did not. What is it that a person does wrong to create these lines or Holograms?

On the left side you went more aggressive in using the FG400 vs the right side with TSR. FG400 in combination with an orange pad is pretty aggressive.

To ensure that you finish hologram free you should follow up with a finishing polish such as the Menzerna 3500 with a DA.