View Full Version : As promised - VX5000 (65 PSI Steam Cleaner) exterior wash Analysis w/ Collinite 845 Wax

06-11-2016, 09:38 AM
Hey All,

I've scrounged the Internet looking for a definite answer for the following question:

Will steam cleaning the cars exterior remove the wax you applied?

The short answer:

This really will depend on your steam cleaner and type of wax.

For my analysis I will be discussing the steam cleaner I have (VX5000) and the wax I had on my car (Collinite 845).

Before I started this analysis; the car was waxed with collinite 845 roughly one week ago to this day.

Below is a photo of the car on the passenger side before I took my steam cleaner single nozzle on High to the exterior of the front passenger door panel. I was using the rear passenger door panel as the door panel that was waxed with collinite 845.

Here is a photo of the steam cleaner before it was used:


I then used the single nozzle to steam clean the exterior of the front passenger door panel on the "high" setting. Below is a picture of the exterior front door panel after it was steam cleaned:


I then took my garden hose and sprayed both door panels for 5 seconds and took a photo to compare the results of the front passenger door panel that was just steam cleaned and the rear passenger door panel that last had Collinite 845 wax applied. My results showed that the water beating and sheeting was identical. In this particular scenario with a VX5000 and Collinite 845 wax, the steam cleaning did not remove the wax when using the single nozzle as seen below:


Hopefully this was helpful to those of you that have or are looking into steam cleaners for exterior washes of your car.

- DJ