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06-10-2016, 06:52 PM
&(*%$^&&*(_)()&^%*%$ As the title says.

When I dropped it off Monday I said "DO NOT WASH".. Well as soon as they were done, and brought the car to the delivery bay, I got in and cranked it back up. Warning light came back on. Back into the nether regions of the dealer it goes, as I shout "DON"T WASH IT". 4 hours later, I leave with a loaner car off the lot, since they had to order more parts....... Well they call yesterday and the part they ordered didn't work, so they ordered a different part of the suspension. Was supposed to be here this am and car done today. Do not wash it!......... They call today and say "Truck blew up so it won't be done today". Tomorrow? Yes....... Do not wash.....

Well the part got there by some other carrier, not their normal carrier. Cool, so the car will be ready today.

I go to pick it up and it's sitting in Service delivery bay, nice and clean :( Service lady came out quick, and said "I know, I know.." I went to lunch and when I came back it had been done.

And it's sprinkling out anyway.. So I head on home it was dry at home, so I hit the buckets (2) of course.

Then start to look over the car. 2 things caught my eye right away so decided not to get a light and look for swirls.

If you look closely, you can see some sort of marks in the paint.


Off to the right side on this pic


This is at the hatch/body seam on the passenger side. It seems like a "rubbery" scratch so maybe a brush with rubber rim, or hose coupling pull.


Argghhhhhhhhhhhh !

Well here's the rest of the car. It's tucked away in the garage. Car show tomorrow am if no rain.








Guess tomorrow I'll check for swirls and other rids.

06-10-2016, 07:02 PM
Feel for ya Ron. I just don't understand how these service people let this kind of crap happen. I mean really? Probably drug a dirty air hose around and it rubbed all over. Sorry you have to deal with this. Should be enjoying that monster instead of being annoyed.

06-10-2016, 07:03 PM
Sorry Ron.

But standard procedure if you buy a Chevy.

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06-10-2016, 07:06 PM
I feel your pain. A few years ago I took my G8 in for a warranty issue. I didn't tell them do not wash since it was pouring out. Well guess what, on a rainy day, they washed my car! Who, besides us crazy folks, washes a car on a rainy day?!? One wash and a load of swirls were installed by the dealer. I'm not sure if they used steel wool or a scotch Brite pad for the wash...

06-10-2016, 07:06 PM
I feel your pain man. Happened to me and I daily drive a GTI if I had your car I would flip. They are like robots they just don't care.

06-10-2016, 07:10 PM
What a bunch of shmucks. I do services washes at a Porsche dealer and that would never happen with us. We're all extremely careful around the cars and believe it or not our wash methods do not add any swirls!!

06-10-2016, 07:11 PM
Make a big sign for your dash.DO NOT WASH!!

Setec Astronomy
06-10-2016, 07:17 PM
Oh man...how long till the lease is up?

06-10-2016, 07:23 PM
Lock and load brother !!!

06-10-2016, 07:23 PM
Feel for ya Ron. I just don't understand how these service people let this kind of crap happen. I mean really? Probably drug a dirty air hose around and it rubbed all over. Sorry you have to deal with this. Should be enjoying that monster instead of being annoyed.


Sorry Ron.

But standard procedure if you buy a Chevy.

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Oh that's cold :)

I feel your pain. A few years ago I took my G8 in for a warranty issue. I didn't tell them do not wash since it was pouring out. Well guess what, on a rainy day, they washed my car! Who, besides us crazy folks, washes a car on a rainy day?!? One wash and a load of swirls were installed by the dealer. I'm not sure if they used steel wool or a scotch Brite pad for the wash...

It was raining here too

I feel your pain man. Happened to me and I daily drive a GTI if I had your car I would flip. They are like robots they just don't care.

Yep. Thanks

What a bunch of shmucks. I do services washes at a Porsche dealer and that would never happen with us. We're all extremely careful around the cars and believe it or not our wash methods do not add any swirls!!

At least some dealers have it done right. Surprised but they did the door jambs too.

Make a big sign for your dash.DO NOT WASH!!

Yep, forgot it in the one I traded. Making 3 soon.

Oh man...how long till the lease is up?

I own this one :(

06-10-2016, 07:24 PM
Lock and load brother !!!

It is FL :D

06-10-2016, 07:34 PM
I would ask to talk to the service manager and make it very clear how displeased you are after not only being so clear about no wash, but the actual damage inflicted. Since you're under warranty I would think they'd be bending over backwards for you in case you get "the call" to rate your service visit. Those simple little phone surveys actually have a big effect for everybody in the chain there.

Even as a tech myself I get super mad when I see marks on fenders/etc from other guys that just don't care and drag air hoses and such across them.


06-10-2016, 07:44 PM
I would ask to talk to the service manager and make it very clear how displeased you are after not only being so clear about no wash, but the actual damage inflicted. Since you're under warranty I would think they'd be bending over backwards for you in case you get "the call" to rate your service visit. Those simple little phone surveys actually have a big effect for everybody in the chain there.

Even as a tech myself I get super mad when I see marks on fenders/etc from other guys that just don't care and drag air hoses and such across them.


I will let the service mgr and advisor know. But not going to jam her up.

06-10-2016, 08:13 PM
Sorry to see this happened to such a beauty. Some people just don't get it.

Been lucky so far with dealers but funny thing when the wife dropped our car off with do not wash instruction the response was "we change our brushes once a year so nothing to worry about" Her response...there will be something to worry about if you wash it.

06-10-2016, 08:18 PM
I wonder if that "car washer"
use to work here:

