View Full Version : Contract with Dealers?

Maestro Sam
06-07-2016, 03:46 PM
Hello guys!
Just got a quick question. Right now, I do detailing mostly out of my garage and things have been good with an average detail of 5-7 cars per week. My reviews of my work on google and yelp are great, ranking number one or two on search engines within my county. The reason why I am doing work at my garage is I want to experience the detailing business aspect and also want to build my reputation up before I purchase a car wash / detail shop. I get a lot of calls from dealers wanting me to detail their cars for them. However, I do this in my own garage and do not have insurance. With my situation, can I or Should I work on dealer cars in my own garage and risk to get more repuation. I will probably be doing 3-4 cars a week from the dealers.

VP Mark
06-07-2016, 03:51 PM
If you are doing 5-7 cars a week why on earth don't you have insurance?? You are just as liable for personally owned vehicles as you are commercially owned!

06-07-2016, 03:54 PM
What VP Mark said.. also, if you think you might be getting that many extra cars per week in business from dealers, why not see about arranging to use their water/shop space, or at least purchase one of those pop-up canopies to provide shade while you work? You could even have one made that features your business name and phone number so people buying cars on the lot see you while you work.

06-07-2016, 04:05 PM
Remember, when you add overhead, i.e. a rental space, you have to pay that overhead every month, feast or famine. Suddenly, you have to detail a certain number of vehicles per week just to break even. Know your cost of doing business like the back of your hand!

06-07-2016, 04:13 PM
Remember, when you add overhead, i.e. a rental space, you have to pay that overhead every month, feast or famine. Suddenly, you have to detail a certain number of vehicles per week just to break even. Know your cost of doing business like the back of your hand!

06-07-2016, 04:32 PM
Hello guys!
Just got a quick question. Right now, I do detailing mostly out of my garage and things have been good with an average detail of 5-7 cars per week. My reviews of my work on google and yelp are great, ranking number one or two on search engines within my county. The reason why I am doing work at my garage is I want to experience the detailing business aspect and also want to build my reputation up before I purchase a car wash / detail shop. I get a lot of calls from dealers wanting me to detail their cars for them. However, I do this in my own garage and do not have insurance. With my situation, can I or Should I work on dealer cars in my own garage and risk to get more repuation. I will probably be doing 3-4 cars a week from the dealers.If you are getting calls from dealers which is very rare,usually it's the other way around time to bust out of that garage and take the plunge with insurance.There are many loopholes when it comes to buying insurance for detailing.They will sell you a policy based on the value of cars.If you lie and say your working on cars less than 20 k you will get crappy coverage,it's a toss up.Bodily injury comes first and foremost cover yourself if you have employees or customers on the property.may have to get a supplement from a different company for the auto coverage.expect to pay on average 2000 to 3500 or more depending where you reside.

06-07-2016, 04:36 PM
Hello guys!
Just got a quick question. Right now, I do detailing mostly out of my garage and things have been good with an average detail of 5-7 cars per week. My reviews of my work on google and yelp are great, ranking number one or two on search engines within my county. The reason why I am doing work at my garage is I want to experience the detailing business aspect and also want to build my reputation up before I purchase a car wash / detail shop. I get a lot of calls from dealers wanting me to detail their cars for them. However, I do this in my own garage and do not have insurance. With my situation, can I or Should I work on dealer cars in my own garage and risk to get more repuation. I will probably be doing 3-4 cars a week from the dealers.
I would go mobile,much cheaper better exposure only if you can survive the winters.with dealer work if they have the room perfect opportunity.