View Full Version : What to do with 25 Year Old Paint that's really good, but not 100%?

06-05-2016, 12:37 AM
I have a 1991 Camaro with 25k miles on it. It has the original paint. Like most cars from the 80s/90s, the plastic body pieces are fading differently than the metal. Overall, this isn't an issue (in fact, many came from the factory with paint issues) but there are some defects that I'd like to correct:

1. The biggest is the passenger door ground effects piece appears to have completely lost its clear coat. In certain light, it is an obvious yellow and feels rough
2. The car has a few chips on the body that go all the way to bare metal (the paint is thin). A few of the chips, while very small, show a hint of surface rust.
3. A previous owner used touch up paint on some chips; this touch up paint was not smoothly applied and it is yellowing.
4. The paint on the wheels is fading/yellowing.
5. Clearcoat has swirl marks

I'd like to avoid repaint, both for cost and the fact that originality is important for the car's value. I've read about paint correction/restoration, but are these able to correct things like the plastic discoloration? I'm assuming I have no choice but to repaint the ground effects (which may mean repaint all plastic bits so they're matched).

I think the metal body is easily fixed, I just don't know if it's a "correction" or "restoration" service that's needed.

If anybody has any advice, I'd appreciate it - I'm in the socal area.

Photo's tend to hide these issues, but here's a picture of the car where you can see #1 - the front bumper, ground effects, side moulding, rear bumper, and rear spoiler are all a urethane-like plastic material:


You can also see it here in a link to this photograph site, which shows it even worse:
RockStorePhotos | 3pm to 4pm 04/17/2016 | D4S_3915 (http://shop.rockstorephotos.com/p1035086157/h71eafa7e#h71eafa7e)

06-05-2016, 06:18 AM
I did a 1978 Corvette that had the same faded paint look on certain panels such as the rear wing. I polished it back to a shiny and almost 100% look using an AIO. I'll get some pictures. The owner could not believe the transformation.

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06-05-2016, 08:51 AM
Be careful and use less abrasive materials.no good pics to really answer your question.

06-05-2016, 09:10 AM
The ground effects will probably have to be removed and repainted. They're the first to lose CC & Paint because of the abuse taken from the tires.
Paint chips... I'd live with those, if there are others that can be fixed, the Dr. Color Chip method is the best because it doesn't "blob". It's not perfect, but from a 3ft view it's good.

As for the rest of the car, taking it to someone who is experienced will help. If it were me, I'd grab paint measurements (probably 10 or more per panel) with my Delfesko PTG, and as GSKR states above, start on a test spot with the least aggressive materials (pad & polish). If you didn't want a "ceramic coating" I wouldn't exclude Griot's BOSS Finishing Sealant (AIO) or HD Speed from my trial.

Wheels can be reconditioned, but it's expensive. Perhaps all they need is a good cleaning. Here is where again, I'd be careful.
I use Griot's Heavy Duty Wheel cleaner which is non-acidic and pH balanced. It's safe on all wheels. Whatever the results are after a good cleaning (like new, or "peh...") I would live with unless you opt for the reconditioning.

Other than that you have a really cool car and it looks like you've done a great job maintaining it through the years.

Keep in mind, as these Z's age, and become rarer and rarer, originality will more important than anything else. Sometimes patina shows character :)

Where are you located? Perhaps there is an AGO'er in your area that can assess in person.

06-05-2016, 09:23 AM
I really wish I had a before picture. Sorry. But the paint looked white, faded, and very worn and dull. Wash and clay did nothing. Owner thought he would have to get it repainted. Plus it had scratches from cats walking all over the car I completely removed for him. The car was extremely rough. Trust me. He slipped me $100 tip.




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