View Full Version : Duragloss Ultimate Orange - Holy Crap

05-30-2016, 07:33 PM
Well, I don't know why I haven't tried it earlier. I've been personally using D101 and professionally using OPC as my APCs. I've had the same gallon of D101 for about 4 years and I'm not even half way through it.

Since Carquest is getting rid of their DG products, I decided to drag my girlfriend in their to see if I could find a gallon of Duragloss Ultimate Orange on sale. I found a gallon on sale for about $18.

How did I rationalize the purchase? Since becoming a Pre Med student I have had less time to work (AKA less money being made) and I haven't bought a detailing product in a while. Here's why I bought it.

It's meant to be used as an interior cleaner at 1:20

It'll also work great as a degreaser for my mountain bike

It cleans tires better than D101


and it was on clearance.

I don't have any pictures, but I tested side by side in my vinyl couch and the cleaning power seemed equal if not slightly favoring UO. In my car with a boars hair brush, I noticed it doesn't foam up quite like D101 and I didn't seem to find that as a bad thing, just interesting.

All in all, I'll probably choose which product to use based on my mood. Bringing a 16oz bottle of UO can accomplish more in your mobile van than a 16oz bottle of D101 or OPC, but I still like OPC the best.

05-30-2016, 09:01 PM
Always have wondered about DG Orange. I'll have to try some with my next round of purchases.

...Since becoming a Pre Med student...

Good luck with that -- it's a long rewarding road.

05-30-2016, 10:13 PM
Always have wondered about DG Orange. I'll have to try some with my next round of purchases.

Good luck with that -- it's a long rewarding road.

Thank you! A big change from my previous major.