View Full Version : Gum stuck in floor matts - Mckee's to the rescue

05-29-2016, 06:58 AM
Got a 2015 Caddy XTS in yesterday for AIO & Full Interior.

When "Interior Gal" started getting to work on the interior, she noticed chewing gum (pretty old too) was baked into the Matt...
She knew just what to do, she grabbed McKee's Engine Degreaser and a razor blade. Sprayed degreaser and started working the gum gently with the blade as not to disturb the nap of the matt. The gum started foaming as the degreaser was disintegrating the gum and the blade was gently lifting it off. Then I heard a huge "Yay!!!" and she got it out.
Carpet extracted the matts and they looked brand new!

Sorry no pics, we were on a tight schedule for a big job... we powered through the detail to get it done for the customer.

Paul A.
05-29-2016, 09:16 AM
That's an awesome feeling...to be very effective at resolving what the customer may think is very difficult to remove if not impossible in their mind. Even made the AIO job on the exterior look better to them! Good work, team.

05-29-2016, 10:29 AM
Brilliant on her part! That method would have never occurred to me.

05-30-2016, 01:02 AM
Nicely done gang.

Never would have thought to use that combination to remove gum.

Thanks for sharing.