View Full Version : If you are a black car owner and like the carnuba look you have to try

05-26-2016, 01:55 PM
I know most people on here may have never used this, but meguires gold class quick wax carnuba+ has totally exceeded my expectations. This stuff looks outstanding on black! It is the only color I've used it on, but black I highly recommend. Give it a try. It makes a excellent booster after a wash to maintain you carnuba wax finish.

05-27-2016, 01:51 PM
Nobody's used this? I say give it a try.

05-27-2016, 02:56 PM
It's kind of an old product I'm sure many on this forum have tried it. Many of us have also moved on to contemporary sealants and coatings.

05-27-2016, 04:05 PM
Wasnt too impressed with the gold class. Thats just my opinion. And im pretty sure its a fairly common wax for a novice detailer or a weekend warrior.

05-27-2016, 04:10 PM
There are many more better options out there these days for black paint. Maybe cost more $$$ but the range and cost spread is huge. Pete's 53 for the money is amazing on black. Poor Boys is one to consider too. It just depends on your budget. In the $25.00-$50.00 range their are many choices. Dodo Purple haze is amazing too.

Klasse Act
05-27-2016, 05:40 PM
It's kind of an old product I'm sure many on this forum have tried it. Many of us have also moved on to contemporary sealants and coatings.

I remember trying and using MGC back in the late 90's and thought it was great but that was back then.....flashforward to the days of AG and Collinite #915 is AWESOME on black, then there's Son!c's black wax, well, protowax anyways and BlackFire Black Ice, to name a few.

I mean if you like using it, go for it, that's all that matters but once its done and used up, try one of these and you'll be blown away, not to mention the advantage of durability with #915.

05-27-2016, 06:41 PM
I remember trying and using MGC back in the late 90's and thought it was great but that was back then.....flashforward to the days of AG and Collinite #915 is AWESOME on black, then there's Son!c's black wax, well, protowax anyways and BlackFire Black Ice, to name a few.

I mean if you like using it, go for it, that's all that matters but once its done and used up, try one of these and you'll be blown away, not to mention the advantage of durability with #915.

^^ this. Collinite is so dang easy to apply and remove that it makes a spray wax useless. Honestly though, in between full details, Blackfire Crystal Seal, Optimum Opti-seal or other synthetic detail sprays are very good and attract less dust than waxes tend to.

05-27-2016, 10:42 PM
^^ this. Collinite is so dang easy to apply and remove that it makes a spray wax useless. Honestly though, in between full details, Blackfire Crystal Seal, Optimum Opti-seal or other synthetic detail sprays are very good and attract less dust than waxes tend to.

I actually been doing that myself between details. Works great but today after my wash I decided to go wax. O boy maan how I forgot how much more wax attracts dust. Well the ones I have that is.

05-28-2016, 02:37 AM
I've used lots of products over the years. It's not the only spray wax I've ever used. I currently am using nattys black over black hole glaze on my 2016 Camaro ss. It gives it a awesome look. I am however really picky and i like my car to look freshly waxed after a wash. I have only used optimum car wax and this Meg's gold class carnuba+ on it since I polished, glazed and waxed my car. I'm a huge optimum fan, but to my eyes the gold class looked better to me. I know looks are subjective, but it gives my car that deep dark black I am after. This is my second black car and my first is what got me into detail hobby about 10 years ago. I'm not saying to go toss out your sealants and high end carnubas and just use gold class spray wax. I'm just saying if you like to use a spray wax to to bring back that freshly waxed look to your lsp in between full details give it a try if you have a dark colored vehicle. I have been really impressed with the look it give my car.

05-28-2016, 07:02 AM
I always like the GC. Definitely has an impact on the paint it's being used on, especially dark colors.

When they changed the formula in 2010, It made a pretty big improvement over the original version.