View Full Version : Can't get remaining dirt/grime off wheels.

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05-25-2016, 07:44 PM
Yesterday I posted a thread about pressure washing two of my wheels, and possibly stripping off the finish. Well today I did the other two wheels. I started with a wheel cleaner (spray on, let soak, rinse/rub off) and then went on to the pressure washer on a lower setting. On all 4 wheels the pressure washer did an excellent job cleaning up the inside of the wheels, however I am having trouble with some small spots on the front of the wheels. I initially thought I stripped off the finish, but after doing the second wheels, I have determined that there is actually just some dirt/grime that refuses to come off. I have attached pictures. I used Black Magic Wheel Cleaner before the pressure washer. I am wondering if anyone has any recommendations for a stronger wheel cleaner that will get this stuff off? It doesn't look very good since most of the wheel is clean, but there are dirty blotchy spots. Take a look at the pictures and let me know what you think. Any help appreciated!


05-25-2016, 07:51 PM
Zero needs refinishing.

05-25-2016, 07:59 PM
Zero needs refinishing.

I second that. It definitely looks like it is not grime. The wheels need refinishing.

05-25-2016, 08:09 PM
Fantastic! How much will that run me for 4 19"?

All 4 of these wheels were "fixed" at the dealership probably 3 weeks ago...

05-25-2016, 08:23 PM
Fantastic! How much will that run me for 4 19"?

All 4 of these wheels were "fixed" at the dealership probably 3 weeks ago...

What did they do to 'fix' them?

Setec Astronomy
05-25-2016, 08:30 PM
Let's back up a minute. Which is the part you refer to as "dirt/grime"? The part on the left side of the pictures, or the right?

Last bottle of Black Magic wheel cleaner I looked at had hydrofluoric acid in it--is that what you used?

05-25-2016, 08:48 PM
The paint just looks flakey and inferior.The dealer as 2 options for fixing wheels for customers.The first option is sending them to a Bodyshop,sand paint then clear then bake them.Thats the right way,or option 2 is a outside vendor that repairs wheels onsite.A lot of there work is quick and inferior products,there is no way acid or a pressure washer would do that.I think you got a parking lot repair and take it back to them .

05-26-2016, 08:08 AM
Let's back up a minute. Which is the part you refer to as "dirt/grime"? The part on the left side of the pictures, or the right?

Last bottle of Black Magic wheel cleaner I looked at had hydrofluoric acid in it--is that what you used?

Currently...they replaced Hydrofluoric Acid with Ammonium BiFluoride in Black Magic....seemingly, less of a health risk, but potentially as damaging to wheels

Setec Astronomy
05-26-2016, 08:15 AM
Currently...they replaced Hydrofluoric Acid with Ammonium BiFluoride in Black Magic....seemingly, less of a health risk, but potentially as damaging to wheels

Seemingly being the operative word--I haven't read this for a while but you're welcome to: http://komfg.com/files/2012/02/ABF_HF1.pdf

05-26-2016, 08:39 AM
Actually read that this morning...along with a couple of other assessments......that's why I drew no conclusions about the risks....there's a belief that ABF essentially becomes HF when mixed with water...

Setec Astronomy
05-26-2016, 09:01 AM
Well, there seem to be two camps with the ABF/HF wheel cleaners, those who say man up, no big deal, and those who say I can't believe they sell this stuff as a consumer product. Of course the reverse argument is you can go into any supermarket and buy drain cleaners that will eat your hand off as well, and people can put leaking bottles of it on the checkout belt just before you go there with your Cheerios.

Back to the OP's problem...I can kind of see where that looks like some sort of "dirt", but I can also see GSKR's point about it looking like part of the finish has come off.

So OP--do you have any kind of paint cleaner or polish that you can rub on the "dirt" and see if it gets better (diminishes), gets worse (expands to a larger area), or stays the same?

05-26-2016, 07:50 PM
Well, there seem to be two camps with the ABF/HF wheel cleaners, those who say man up, no big deal, and those who say I can't believe they sell this stuff as a consumer product. Of course the reverse argument is you can go into any supermarket and buy drain cleaners that will eat your hand off as well, and people can put leaking bottles of it on the checkout belt just before you go there with your Cheerios.

Back to the OP's problem...I can kind of see where that looks like some sort of "dirt", but I can also see GSKR's point about it looking like part of the finish has come off.

So OP--do you have any kind of paint cleaner or polish that you can rub on the "dirt" and see if it gets better (diminishes), gets worse (expands to a larger area), or stays the same?

Well when I was power washing, the dark/dirty spots were all over the wheel. But after I washed them, most of the dirty spots came off with the exception of the stuff pictured. I really think its just dirt.....

I would be open to trying products that are tougher on dirt/grime to see if it will take it off, but I have no idea where to start. All the strong stuff will likely damage the finish of the entire wheel.

05-26-2016, 08:05 PM
Your blasting off your repair or top coat leaving you with the base which is lighter than the rest of the wheel.acid will destruct non oem paint and all purpose degreaser with a lot of alkaline.stop pressure washing so close,those wheels are done and need paint.

Fast Eddie
05-26-2016, 08:08 PM
Well when I was power washing, the dark/dirty spots were all over the wheel. But after I washed them, most of the dirty spots came off with the exception of the stuff pictured. I really think its just dirt.....

I would be open to trying products that are tougher on dirt/grime to see if it will take it off, but I have no idea where to start. All the strong stuff will likely damage the finish of the entire wheel.
Those wheels are the victim of a bad prep and repaint. It's not just you, this is very common. Like already stated, those wheels are going to need to be refinished, preferably properly next time so this doesn't happen again.

05-26-2016, 08:11 PM
Bad adhesion and inferior top coat.