View Full Version : Tackiness after polishing with Wolfgang Finishing Glaze

05-21-2016, 05:56 PM

I'm hoping someone can help me out. Today was my first experience using my new PC 7424. I used a white Lake Country foam pad to apply Wolfgang Finishing Glaze 3.0. I cleaned the pad on the fly every other panel. (I washed, dried and clayed before polishing) After I polished, that smooth silky feeling you get after claying is gone. It feels tacky. I don't see any residue and the paint looks really good but it's just not smooth anymore.

I've polished by hand in the past with Klasse AIO but i didn't get this tackiness. I'm using the Wolfgang because I noticed some very minor scratches and light swirling.

Is this tackiness normal? Is it possible my technique was bad or I used too much or not enough polish on the pad?

Tomorrow i'm planning on doing a waterless wash and then applying Wolfgang Deep Gloss Paint Sealant 3.0. I was planning on using the PC 7424 to apply the WGDGPS. Any tips or advice for applying the sealant is greatly appreciated.

05-21-2016, 06:02 PM
I don't remember any tackiness .... did you wipe down afterwards to see if it perhaps is some residue on the paint ?? Perhaps shaking longer would help ???

05-21-2016, 08:05 PM
Some products will not give you the glide.The sealant you are going to use will give you that slickness.sealant application is pretty straight forward just read the instructions.

05-22-2016, 10:04 AM
The slickness did return after a waterless wash and applying WG Deep Gloss Paint Sealant but shortly after buffing it off, I started feeling raised bumps on the paint. It was almost like I didn't clay. I do believe the culprit in all of this is pollen. We get pollen really bad this time of year in New Hampshire.

Lesson learned- wait until after pollen season to do a full detail outside. Despite my pollen problems, my Outback looks pretty damn good right now. That's until I wake up tomorrow morning with a layer of yellow pollen on my freshly detailed car.

05-22-2016, 08:00 PM
I feel your pain...