View Full Version : Clean and Protect Artico leather seats and MB interior

05-15-2016, 07:28 PM
Hi what Optimum and/or Duragloss products would you recommend to clean and protect the artico leather seats (fake leather) in MB? Preferred if clean and protect in one product but if better separate, let me know. Also prefer if can be used for multiple surfaces/materials in the interior like plastic, dash, chrome and the leather steering wheel. Do not want an oily/slippery surface.

I was told to use Duragloss leather (http://www.mycarforum.com/index.php?app=sgcarstore&req=listprod&cat=1&si=Product+Type&sti=Leather+Upholstery) shampoo#441 for cleaning both vinyl and leather (http://www.mycarforum.com/index.php?app=sgcarstore&req=listprod&cat=1&si=Product+Type&sti=Leather+Upholstery). Use DG#221 leather (http://www.mycarforum.com/index.php?app=sgcarstore&req=listprod&cat=1&si=Product+Type&sti=Leather+Upholstery) conditioner after cleaning. I went to read up the description and they seem to be for real leather with mink and lanolin, I'm not sure they can be used for Artico.

05-15-2016, 07:48 PM
I personally like Blackfire Interior Cleaner and Interior Protectant in my AMGs, since they're safe for pretty much any surface and are still powerful enough to take care of most any stains. For the leather seats themselves, I like to use Leather Master Protection Creme after cleaning with the BFIC instead of the BF protectant.