View Full Version : CarPro Cquartz and DLUX

04-29-2016, 04:06 PM
Hey guys, yesterday was my first time using/applying Cquartz and DLUX. So far the Cquartz was easy to apply but I do have some high spots on my hood that I want to fix, if possible. Can I just use a light polish pad to get it off and re-apply. I applied too much on the MF. As for the DLUX, I put way to much on the MF towl as well and when I waited about 5-10 min. and tried to wipe it off, it started to turn cloudy white so I probably waited too long and applied too much as well. I read so far that DLUX is a pita to remove so I probably will just try to apply a very thin layer on top of the previous.

Setec Astronomy
04-29-2016, 04:14 PM
If the DLux is already white, putting more on top isn't going to help. In the same way you have the high spots on your hood, you've created a high spot on your trim that has to be removed, rather than covered over. Based on my experience with a similar product, it's possible on the rest of the trim that looks good now (if you have areas like that) you may still have too much and when it cures it will turn white or as I call it "silvering". I'll let others chime in on the best way to remove the excess DLux, but the key is that there is only a certain thickness that will react and bond with the substrate, and you need to wipe off anything in excess of that after it flashes.

Disclaimer: My above advice is based on my experience with GTechniq C4 and the advice on this forum from Rob at GTechniq. I have not gone back to prove or disprove the validity with either C4 or DLux.

04-29-2016, 04:52 PM
Any tips on removing it and what type of chemical/product to use?

04-29-2016, 05:03 PM
Call carpro to get the correct way of removal or this can become ugly.

04-29-2016, 09:46 PM
I used some Goo Gone/APC and it did a pretty good job in removing it off of the headlight. As for the trim, it seemed like it leveled off the excess. Now... as for the Cquartz on the hood... I might think about using Carpro Essence with a pink very light polishing pad to level off the high spots and unleveled spots and apply some Reload on it.

David Hayward
04-29-2016, 11:00 PM
On my own car I was able to use a very light finish polish to level off a spot i found. If you are worried about going too far you could just polish it level and then ipa or eraser wipe down the area and re apply the cquartz to the area overlapping the polished areas edges.

04-29-2016, 11:39 PM
Should I do it with my Carpro Essence+LC white pad or LC pink pad? Also, what speed did you use?

On my own car I was able to use a very light finish polish to level off a spot i found. If you are worried about going too far you could just polish it level and then ipa or eraser wipe down the area and re apply the cquartz to the area overlapping the polished areas edges.

David Hayward
04-30-2016, 12:41 AM
Yea essence should work just fine on a white pad. Just use the same speed that you did your final polish on before applying. It may take a bit more passes than you would expect to come off, which is a good thing as for durability, so just work slow. I had my flex 3401 at 4 with a white pad and menzerna sf4000

04-30-2016, 06:17 AM
I just did the trim around my windows. I wiped off immediately after laying down a coat. No flashing just wipe to smooth out and it turned out perfect. I'm thinking this way was eady on the plastic and rubber. The felt towel glides over the plastic. I don't think this way would work so easily on paint and wheels but I'm going to try on a door jam

04-30-2016, 06:22 AM
The reason I tried this new approach because when I waited a little bit to smooth out the towel would stick to the coating and screw it up

05-02-2016, 09:31 PM
The rep from Carpro said the only way to get off DLUX is with an abrasive. I want to fix the high spots on the trims around my window.