View Full Version : How would you tackle these surfaces?

04-26-2016, 03:42 PM
1st picture- What would you guys use for the light colored grey plastic on the bottom?
2nd picture- Would you guys do anything to the bottom headlight? If you can see it is slightly hazy. The top one is fine I know.
3rd picture- What would you do for this small foot step light?

Thanks guys any advice/suggestions is appreciated.

04-26-2016, 04:11 PM
Treat the trim as if you were detailing for Mike Phillips. If you correct one lense, do them all so they match. For black trim and plastic, I like Duragloss 265.

04-27-2016, 02:57 AM
Treat the trim as if you were detailing for Mike Phillips. If you correct one lense, do them all so they match. For black trim and plastic, I like Duragloss 265.

I definitely agree on correcting all the lenses to have them match, also I recommend taking the foot step light out, to make it easier to do correction on. Besides that look into products like Solution Finish, CarPro PERL, UTTG to take care of the trim pieces that are fading.