View Full Version : Wash tool needs to be offered by AG

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04-26-2016, 01:10 PM
Some folks neglect the tops of suv's, vans, trucks, because they can't reach them. They need special tools like walk platforms, ladders, etc., if they have a topper on their truck. What if they don't have those tools ( I do ), and won't buy them?

There are quality boar's hair brushes available with extension poles, but what about a those who don't like to use them, or won't pay the price wanted for them?

I'm looking for, and cannot find, a high quality, thickly padded ( can find thin cheapo's), micro-fiber wash pad that fits a high quality extension pole. Even the cheap ones offered at auto parts stores are thin and frail. Most brushes or mf pads on poles don't fit well in buckets, round buckets that is, and aren't large enough if they do fit into a bucket. So, we need a good padded, high quality mf wash pad on an extendable pole that's big enough (11x11 or approx.), then offer me a nice bucket like the Griot's bucket, but way cheaper in price, so that I can have my way. LOL!!!

Setec Astronomy
04-26-2016, 01:13 PM
Griot's makes one, ask AG to carry it.

04-26-2016, 01:19 PM
It too looks like it's thin and frail. Looked before posting.

04-26-2016, 02:56 PM
Hi Bill...

Think that something along this
heavy-duty line-up would work?



04-26-2016, 03:07 PM
to add.. this vikan wheel arch brush only seems to be available over the pond and i definitely want one!

04-26-2016, 03:14 PM
Stand on a(non-rolly style)chair

04-26-2016, 05:12 PM
Bob that would work for the tops, but it's not what I had in mind. I want to get rid of the hard back, and short fibers.

I'm thinking along thicker lines like this, Carrand Microfiber MAX Premium Wash Sponge, car wash sponge, microfiber sponge, micro fiber car sponge (http://www.autogeek.net/microfiber-sponge.html) , but with longer fibers and a little larger than this Super Plush Micro-Chenille Wash Mitt, microfiber wash mitt, car wash mitt (http://www.autogeek.net/super-plush-wash-mitt.html) . Something that won't allow you to bang around on the vehicle when you're tired. Something that can allow you to be fatigue and still be gentle, or even be in a hurry and be gentle.

I'm trying to find something to encourage my wife to take up some slack by cleaning her own vehicle. As you know, she's short and when a person already has a hard time doing something because of being short, or another reason, they get sloppy. Those autozone and Walmart mf mops on a pole aren't soft enough (mf is soft, but their cushioning foam is only 1/8th inch thick...I'd like to see something at least a 1/2 inch) and she's not gentle enough to my liking. I fear that even with a good boar's hair brush, which I'd never use on black paint anyway, she still find a way to bang it into something during the wash process.

04-26-2016, 06:10 PM

How about something like this
"Longer-haired" Tilt/Telescoping
Car Wash Mop?



04-26-2016, 06:38 PM
My neighbour had a huge campervan trailer (where the 5th wheel goes onto the bed of a F250 or similar..)
We ended up parking next to a wall and walked up and down the wall using a microfibre mop (SABCO) on the roof..
Using a step ladder was a PITA cos you were up and down it like crazy as you worked along the trailer..

I wanted to colinite the roof to protect but the only way woul dhave been to get onto it and i wasn't game in case it was dented..
He was going to speak to the dealer re safe access points etc...

For SUV's i always stand on the back wheel or use the missus fitness step.. adjustable height..

I also always wanted an inverted jet wash lance (like you get for cleaning gutters.. ).. thats on the shopping list..

04-26-2016, 07:58 PM
That's better, Bob. I like that, but in my opinion the hard backing doesn't have to be that large if it's built right. A 4" to 5" square or circle for the backing should suffice, then allow the additional length to be a little floppy so it fits a bucket nicer and all the edges give a little more. The thickness is fine. I have a couple like that from Walmart that work fine for me...

...on 2nd thought it would simply be easier for me to just do it myself, get the ladder out and just use my mitts. LOL!!!

04-26-2016, 07:59 PM
Got one from Wally World.......will shoot u a PM with a link...since I think posting the link in a thread is against forum rules

04-26-2016, 08:14 PM
Here's an option offered by autogeek and made by shurhold that could be an option. However, the swivel base has been on backorder for a while even though it's on the clearance page. They may no longer be available, but this is a step in the right direction. Shurhold Swivel Pad Base (http://www.autogeek.net/shurhold-swivel-pad-base.html) Only if the base weren't so rigid, but a little floppy so that it's easier to dunk into a bucket to the bottom. Ever tried to dunk one of these this style? Dunk one side, then flip it over and dunk the other. Too much time... It needs to be scruntchable LOL!!!

04-26-2016, 08:21 PM
We use the shurhold extension poles on the boat & that's what I use for my truck. Work great! You may have to search to locate a microfiber pad that would fit the swivel head but I think you will like the pole. It's a start anyway.

04-27-2016, 06:39 AM
A thought, take a trip to a janitorial supply store. There are more tools, gizmos and such that there just MAY be something out there already. I'm thinking about something along the line of wax applicators (for gym floors etc.).


04-27-2016, 01:36 PM
Here's an easier-to-dunk car wash mop:

