View Full Version : Education time, matte finishes?

04-26-2016, 04:21 AM
So I'm fairly new to the car detailing world and I was wondering.. What about matte finishes? Can anyone shed some light on matte finish maitinence? I have never even seen products for matte finishes. Is there even special products for this? Just something I'm curious about and would like to expand my knowledge on the subject. Thanks guys

04-26-2016, 06:34 AM
If you type "Matte Car Care" in the
Advanced Search function box, you'll
find that there are several dedicated
Matte-product brands/lines...(that I
won't be mentioning by name)...not
sold @AGO.

{You will also find suggestions of
several products...that are available
@AGO...which some members state
they have used on Matte finishes.}

It is my understanding that AGO
(under the auspices of Nick) is now
diligently working to remedy the
absence of an AGO dedicated Matte
product line-up:

