View Full Version : IPA - or Denatured alcohol

04-24-2016, 05:55 PM
Question? I see you all talk about the IPA mix for wipe down,can I use denatured alcohol instead? If no,what would the reason be.

04-24-2016, 05:56 PM
Question? I see you all talk about the IPA mix for wipe down,can I use denatured alcohol instead? If no,what would the reason be.

Are you using this after you polish?

04-24-2016, 09:30 PM
I have not used it yet. I read some on here wipe down with IPA prior to applying the paint sealant like car pro. We use denatured on boats & wonder if it is safe to,use instead of isopropyl

04-24-2016, 10:03 PM
I don't use any of that stuff, never had never will, no problems either with lsps.

04-24-2016, 10:34 PM
I think you could, but it would have to be diluted. I would not use it straight.


I had been wondering what the difference was between the two lately and your thread made me look it up.

Both are very similar. Interchangeable? Idk, possibly. Both can be used at high concentrations to remove some types of paint. I don't know if this applies to automotive paint though.... Some use high precenage IPA to remove tree sap.

04-24-2016, 10:51 PM
Question? I see you all talk about the IPA mix for wipe down,
can I use denatured alcohol instead?
If no,what would the reason be.
•One of the many "additives" to render
ethyl alcohol to be poisonous/(denatured)
is IPA. (Methanol can be another "additive")

-keeping in mind that, since IPA is a solvent
-it stands to reason that Denatured alcohol
could also be used as a solvent.

•Personal Preference Note:
-I'd rather not use Denatured alcohol
on car paint.
-I feel it's better suited for use as a
fuel for camping stoves, etc.


04-25-2016, 01:11 PM
if Mark uses it. I do not see why.

Denatured Alcohol is ethanol with some added chemical to make it poisonous (ie deadly) if it is drank. Methanol is usually the Denaturing but there are other chemical to make it denatured.

Check the MSDS for the product in question.

04-25-2016, 05:02 PM
After seeing several mention of MSDS I decided to check it out and was surprised that there are numerous sites offering this for free.

Which one do you recommend regarding usability and completeness?

04-25-2016, 05:26 PM
Ethyl and isopropyl alcohol are going to behave similarly, they are both fairly mild organic solvents. This is why they are useful, they are generally not powerful enough to do much damage. It's also sort of why they can be mixed with water and not separate. Ethyl is a slightly more aggressive solvent than isopropyl, some computer guys think it damages plastic more than isopropyl, but should be fine for paint wipes. Maybe use the denatured (ethyl) at 30/70 ethyl/water to be safe to start.