View Full Version : Curbed my wheel. Help?

04-22-2016, 07:03 AM
I was going through the Dunkin Donuts drive through and I curbed my wheel while exiting. It wasn't really hard but the concrete curb left it's mark. It feels like it's "above surface" when I run my finger nail across it. I think these wheels are polished metal with clear coat over it. What's the best type of product to use to remove this? I know it won't be 100% unless I get it refinished.

Really upset because I've been super careful with this new car. Help!


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04-22-2016, 07:09 AM
That looks like it scored beyond the coating. Don't know if you'll be able to fix that with just standard paint correction techniques.
But, there are places near you that do wheel reconditioning, some may even be mobile and can come to you.
There is one place here in Derry NH but you're S. Boston... Let me google that for you (http://lmgtfy.com/?q=wheel+reconditioning+massachusetts)

Those DD Drive Thru's are killer!!!

04-22-2016, 07:44 AM
Nice GTI rims,

I have the same ones and mine had many light scratches on it. Just polishing them took 95% of them out. My suggestion is give it a try. Polish the rims and see if you can remove some/all of the scratch if you can great. If not well then maybe it will look good enough where you can live with it.

04-22-2016, 07:53 AM
If I try something like Meguiars Scratch X 2.0 by hand, would it do more damage than good?

I would like to try to fix it before taking it to a pro.

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Setec Astronomy
04-22-2016, 08:09 AM
I have the same ones and mine had many light scratches on it. Just polishing them took 95% of them out. My suggestion is give it a try. Polish the rims and see if you can remove some/all of the scratch if you can great. If not well then maybe it will look good enough where you can live with it.

If I try something like Meguiars Scratch X 2.0 by hand, would it do more damage than good?

Well, it's definitely through the paint at that rusty looking spot at the edge, and to me it looks like it's through the paint on that whole arc shaped scrape. If it's not, then Scratch X can't hurt to try and smooth it out.

04-22-2016, 08:14 AM
Looks like a machined surface that'll be topped with a clear coat. Treat painted wheels like....paint.

If it won't compound or polish out, all is not lost. Find a wheel repair shop.

04-22-2016, 08:17 AM
So I should try least aggressive method first? Is Scratch X a good first step? If not, what's a good product that's over the counter?

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04-22-2016, 08:39 AM
Since you are through the clear coat anyways go ahead and sand it 800,1500 , 2000 to get it smooth then a little metal polish to get some shine in it. From there treat that portion of the wheel as uncoated aluminum and polish it once in a while. The shine will never match but it will look allot better.

04-22-2016, 10:55 AM
I just remembered that I have some metal polish. Can't remember which type but it's for automotive application. Can I try that without doing more damage?

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Setec Astronomy
04-22-2016, 11:03 AM
That's a painted wheel. I can't tell from the pictures if it's clear paint over machined, or if it's silver paint. IMO you don't want to use metal polish on paint. The previous poster (if I understood correctly) is advocating you sand through the paint to the base metal (which I think is ill-advised whether it's clear or silver) and then use metal polish.

So help us out, what are we seeing? Are those polished aluminum with clearcoat, and the gray/white appearance of the scratch is the clouded clear? Or are they painted silver and the gray/white is primer?

04-22-2016, 11:30 AM
Just to be clear...My take was they are clear coated aluminum wheels. If they are painted then it's a whole different story and metal polish should go nowhere near the wheels.

04-22-2016, 12:21 PM
I'm going off that they look like gti wheels, and the one's I've seen are machined.
With that said, sanding on the machined surface will mean they'll need to be remachined to match the rest.

for reference:

OP, I feel your pain. I went many years without wheel rash, then decided the powder coat my wheels and had a series of events.

Paul A.
04-22-2016, 12:28 PM
This is what i used on my BBS CH wheels when wifey curbed them:

Wurth Wheel Duo (http://www.autogeek.net/wurth-1z-combo.html)

The silver paint is meant for the standard "German" silver painted wheels and was a pretty close match for me. Your nick is pretty small so even if it isn't a perfect match it might dress it up enough to make it look much better anyway. Plus it is cheaper than a wheel finishing job.

I ended up sanding the area isolated to just the scratches. Some recommend filling it in with an automotive putty and once that hardens, sand it down to a smooth finish...then paint.