View Full Version : Lines from DA waxing

04-17-2016, 06:34 PM
I just washed, compounded, polished, and then waxed my black buick lacrosse.. Attached is a picture of the hood and I'm trying to show the lines that were left behind from my wax job with my Porter Cable DA polisher.. I used a red Lake Country pad to apply my wax and had my polisher set the 3 setting to apply. Anyone know why these lines were left in my finish? This is my first car detail I have a 2 years experience on boats but none on cars.. Thanks!

04-17-2016, 06:36 PM
Oh and I used Wolfgang swirl remover and polish. And I used meguiars synthetic sealant #21

04-17-2016, 06:52 PM
I'm sure some more knowledgable folks will jump in, but i think it's probably because the LSP was applied thicker on one side of the pad (physics/angle/alignment/pressure/many possible reasons). I've had this happen and it usually resolves itself after the first wash. For faster results, You might even it out some with a microfiber and detail spray or quick wax.

04-17-2016, 08:17 PM
I'm sure some more knowledgable folks will jump in, but i think it's probably because the LSP was applied thicker on one side of the pad (physics/angle/alignment/pressure/many possible reasons). I've had this happen and it usually resolves itself after the first wash. For faster results, You might even it out some with a microfiber and detail spray or quick wax.

Can you see the lines that I'm talking about? Its kind of hard to see in the picture but I looked at it in a brighter light and you can actually see my buffing/pad lines.. Like u can actually see how it looked (without the actual haze of the sealant obviously) before I whipped the sealant off.. Its only on the hood and that's where I started my application so I think maybe I went to heavy with the sealant?? I'll try hitting it with some quick detailer tomorrow and see if it removes it.

04-17-2016, 08:59 PM
Yeah I can see the lines. It's like "Hi-def streaking". It could be from over application of product (i.e. it piled on one side of the pad upon application). Yeah, see if you can even it out with som pe QD. In any case, I really doubt it'll stay like that for long. Just normal weathering processes will even it out. Just curious- what sealer did you use?

04-17-2016, 10:02 PM
Yeah I can see the lines. It's like "Hi-def streaking". It could be from over application of product (i.e. it piled on one side of the pad upon application). Yeah, see if you can even it out with som pe QD. In any case, I really doubt it'll stay like that for long. Just normal weathering processes will even it out. Just curious- what sealer did you use?

I used meguiars synthetic sealant #21

04-18-2016, 12:36 AM
Ah, ha I missed that the first time. I love M21 :) do you have any Ultimate Quick wax? It plays really well with the 21 in my experience. Anxious to hear if you're able to tone down the outlines with a wipe down. You could also try applying a 2nd coat of 21. Not for layering, but rather to ensure even application. That also might alleviate your problem.

As far as technique goes, try overlapping your passes a little more than you did the first time. Based on what I'm seeing, that might also help with the problem. I'd also make sure your final pass on a second coat is in the opposite direction of the final pass the first time.

Again, if you choose to do nothing more, I bet it will tone down after a week of weathering or a wash or two.

04-18-2016, 03:59 AM
That's something I did mess up on.. When I applied my sealant I didn't really do section passes, I just kind of spread it on all over the car in a neat fashion. I just set my pc on speed 3.5 and went to town but I realize I should have slowed down and done 2-3 passes while overlapping on multiple sections.. Thanks for all of your feedback Harpolith

Mike Phillips
04-18-2016, 06:59 AM
It's a good rule of thumb to make 2-3 passes over each square inch when machine applying a finishing wax and a also a light cleaner/wax or cleaner/sealant which is what M21 is.

What type of pad did you apply the TSR with?

Also, bump your speed up to at least the 4.0 on the PC and you'll find the pad glides over the paint easier instead of dragging or lagging behind.


04-18-2016, 11:07 AM
Hey Mike I used the Orange ccs lake country pad for the TSR and a grey for polish and red for wax.. Should I have been using speed 6 for the TSR? The car is an everyday driver and has never been worked on so I can imagine how bad of shape she is in.. Anyway I was on speed 5the whole time and was hesitant to goto speed 6.. This was my first car I detailed and first time using a pc..

Mike Phillips
04-18-2016, 11:13 AM
and a grey for polish

What's the exact name of the polish?

Do you mean the Wolfgang Finishing Glaze? Or the Paintwork Polish Enhancer?

The Wolfgang Finishing Glaze is actually a fine cut polish not a glaze.

The Wolfgange Paintwork Polish Enhancer is actually a paint cleaner not a polish.

I know names used in the industry can be confusing.

Should I have been using speed 6 for the TSR?

Yes. In order to get the best action out of the Porter Cable you need to be on the 6 speed setting and be using thin foam pads. You need to see the pad rotating as you're applying the TSR if not then you're doing nothing.

See my article here,

Video: Mark your backing plate to make it easy to see pad rotation (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/show-car-garage-how-videos/49489-video-mark-your-backing-plate-make-easy-see-pad-rotation.html)


04-18-2016, 11:19 AM
It was the finishing glaze.. So I went Wolfgang TSR (Orange pad speed 5), Wolfgang finishing glaze (Grey pad speed 4.5), and meguiars #21 synthetic sealant (red pad speed 3) and I do have my pad marked and was making sure my pad was spinning (I've watched a lot of ur videos so I know most of the basics u always mention) BTW ur videos r great ur very descriptive, keep em comin man

04-18-2016, 11:24 AM
And also, I was very pleased with the results from the products and how my first detail restore came out but I feel like I just didn't go aggressive enough.. The paint on this car has A LOT of defects, most of which can not be removed without a rotary polisher and I'm just not skilled enough for that yet. I have to master the PC first.. Anyway I want to go back and correct some more spots on the car but now that I have went and put sealant on the car do I now need to go back and remove all of that or can I just wash the car, get it nice and clean go to work on it? I clayed it this past weekend and the paint is insanely smooth.

Mike Phillips
04-18-2016, 11:29 AM
It was the finishing glaze..

So I went Wolfgang TSR (Orange pad speed 5),
Wolfgang finishing glaze (Grey pad speed 4.5),
and meguiars #21 synthetic sealant (red pad speed 3) and I do have my pad marked and was making sure my pad was spinning

The above sounds right.

Did you buff any of the above till it dried or did you always have a wet film on the surface?

The two Wolfgang products have top notch abrasive technology as long as you had good pad rotation and didn't buff to a dry buff you're good to go there.

The M21 has a light amount of cleaners/abrasives in it and is also very good and very safe.

I'd recommend re-machine waxing using the M21 with the red pad. Apply using speed setting 4.5 to 5 with light pressure and a fast arm speed. Overlap your passes and go over each panel 2-3 passes.

I'm pretty sure I show how here,

How to buff out a car


(I've watched a lot of ur videos so I know most of the basics u always mention)

BTW ur videos r great ur very descriptive, keep em comin man

Why thank you....


04-18-2016, 11:34 AM
Also with the PC I feel as if u only can really apply a good amount of pressure on speed 5-6 and keep it spinning.. When I dropped down to speed 4-3 it's hard to keep it spinning if applying to much pressure.. At times I felt like I wasnt applying enough pressure when on speed 4.. Is this normal? Do you not want to apply to much pressure on anything lower than speed 5? (Remember this was my first time using a orbital polisher so I'm still getting the techniques down). Thanks for all of ur feedback Mike I can't express how awesome it is that u get on here and answer all of our questions.. I don't understand how u find the time!