View Full Version : How to eliminate streaks ?

10-11-2007, 07:16 AM
I'm trying to learn how to minimize or eliminate streaks from wiping off polish or wax. Example from yesterday.

Black Corvette. 75-82 degrees, guessing 40% humidity, full sun, light to no wind.

Washed the car, did the blow dry. Had to go over the entire cars with Meg QD to remove water spots. (I have no shade where I can wash the car).

In the garage, I hand applied a coat of Durogloss 111 using the applicator provided. No circular motions, as thin as I could, to the entire car. The application probably took 45 minutes. Within 15 minutes after completing the application, I began to hand rub the sealant off. I used multiple, always turning, blue microfiber hand towels. These are probably 18" square towels and I used 3-4 of them (folded in quarters, used until I "feel" that I need a new spot). Once done, I went over very lightly with Megs QD again.

I then got the car into the sun and it wasn't horrible but there were a fair number of areas where you could see either streaks or swirls. I check one spot and went over it again with the microfiber towel and a very light dust of QD and it looks fine.

So, what should I have done differently to have less of these streaks? Did I mess something up in the process? Not wait long enough? Thanks

10-11-2007, 07:58 AM
It sounds like you didn't wait long enough and the sealant wasn't dry yet. I haven't used DG but that's what it sounds like from what you've explained...

10-11-2007, 09:20 AM
Yup I agree... you didn't let it cure long enough. I usually wait almost an hour in humid weather before buffing off.

10-11-2007, 09:39 AM
So, when I put another coat of DG on tomorrow and I let it cure for a while, the problem should go away?

For wiping off, microfiber towel or well used diaper? (clean!)

10-11-2007, 10:03 AM
If I were you I would try some Duragloss FC&S #921. That stuff is made to maintain Duragloss sealants and has some cleaners that would probably work.

10-11-2007, 10:51 AM
Also, how were the MF towels washed last? Dirty, clogged, or fabric softener in towels could also produce streaking.

10-11-2007, 06:47 PM
streaks can be associated with overapplication, not allowing sealant to cure, and even dirty removal towels (overcaked). Usually a damp towel makes quick work of the streaks in a pinch.