View Full Version : Polish and Glaze

10-09-2007, 09:57 PM
I have been reading about polishes and glazes and am not sure of the difference. My detailing steps are:
pre wax cleaner

I am using Meguiars #7 show car glaze as the polish. On the container of the show car glazes calls the product a "pure polish" so i am a little confused. I am open to try new products so if anyone has an opinion on the "best polish" I will try it out. Some products are polish and wax. I prefer to topcoat with a high quailty wax of its own.

Thanks for any info.

10-09-2007, 10:14 PM
unfortunately the word glaze is thrown around pretty frequently, and is used to describe products with very different purposes.

a glaze, in the conventional sense, has no abrasives and no correction ability except for maybe some fillers. It is a product with oils and different properties that is meant to enhance the look of the paint and make it look wetter and shinier. Its usually used before your LSP, but can be used after for that extra pop, but it will have almost no durability at all.

companies also do this with the word polish, and it really sucks. It makes it so much more difficult to identify products and what they can do.

hope this helps

10-09-2007, 11:58 PM
Polish=Chemical paint cleaner or Abrasive cleaner/paint correction. Most on here think of the abrasive type used on buffer pads when they hear "polish".
The pre-wax cleaner that you are using is the chemical type. Poorboys Professional Polish is in this catagory.
Waxes, sealants are stand alone products that some companies add the "polish" tag. I think this is a throw back to when wax or polish was interchangeable.

10-10-2007, 12:55 AM
Polish=nano 106ff